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Conservation physiology of marine fishes: state of the art and prospects for policy ArchiMer
Mckenzie, David; Axelsson, Michael; Chabot, Denis; Claireaux, Guy; Cooke, Steven J.; Corner, Richard A.; De Boeck, Gudrun; Domenici, Paolo; Guerreiro, Pedro M.; Hamer, Bojan; Jorgensen, Christian; Killen, Shaun S.; Lefevre, Sjannie; Marras, Stefano; Michaelidis, Basile; Nilsson, Goran E.; Peck, Myron A.; Perez-ruzafa, Angel; Rijnsdorp, Adriaan D.; Shiels, Holly A.; Steffensen, John F.; Svendsen, Jon C.; Svendsen, Morten B. S.; Teal, Lorna R.; Van Der Meer, Jaap; Wang, Tobias; Wilson, Jonathan M.; Wilson, Rod W.; Metcalfe, Julian D..
The state of the art of research on the environmental physiology of marine fishes is reviewed from the perspective of how it can contribute to conservation of biodiversity and fishery resources. A major constraint to application of physiological knowledge for conservation of marine fishes is the limited knowledge base; international collaboration is needed to study the environmental physiology of a wider range of species. Multifactorial field and laboratory studies on biomarkers hold promise to relate ecophysiology directly to habitat quality and population status. The 'Fry paradigm' could have broad applications for conservation physiology research if it provides a universal mechanism to link physiological function with ecological performance and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biomarkers; Ecological models; Fisheries; Fry paradigm; Individual variation; Telemetry.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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In modelling effects of global warming, invalid assumptions lead to unrealistic projections ArchiMer
Lefevre, Sjannie; Mckenzie, David J.; Nilsson, Goeran E..
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climate change; Fish; Growth; Metabolism; Modelling; Oxygen uptake; Scaling; Warming.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Models projecting the fate of fish populations under climate change need to be based on valid physiological mechanisms ArchiMer
Lefevre, Sjannie; Mckenzie, David J.; Nilsson, Goran E..
Some recent modelling papers projecting smaller fish sizes and catches in a warmer future are based on erroneous assumptions regarding (i) the scaling of gills with body mass and (ii) the energetic cost of 'maintenance'. Assumption (i) posits that insurmountable geometric constraints prevent respiratory surface areas from growing as fast as body volume. It is argued that these constraints explain allometric scaling of energy metabolism, whereby larger fishes have relatively lower mass-specific metabolic rates. Assumption (ii) concludes that when fishes reach a certain size, basal oxygen demands will not be met, because of assumption (i). We here demonstrate unequivocally, by applying accepted physiological principles with reference to the existing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aerobic scope; Gill surface area; Growth; Metabolism; Oxygen consumption; Respiration; Scaling.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Oxygen- and capacity-limited thermal tolerance: blurring ecology and physiology ArchiMer
Jutfelt, Fredrik; Norin, Tommy; Ern, Rasmus; Overgaard, Johannes; Wang, Tobias; Mckenzie, David; Lefevre, Sjannie; Nilsson, Goran E.; Metcalfe, Neil B.; Hickey, Anthony J. R.; Brijs, Jeroen; Speers-roesch, Ben; Roche, Dominique G.; Gamperl, A. Kurt; Raby, Graham D.; Morgan, Rachael; Esbaugh, Andrew J.; Grans, Albin; Axelsson, Michael; Ekstrom, Andreas; Sandblom, Erik; Binning, Sandra A.; Hicks, James W.; Seebacher, Frank; Jorgensen, Christian; Killen, Shaun S.; Schulte, Patricia M.; Clark, Timothy D..
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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The role of mechanistic physiology in investigating impacts of global warming on fishes ArchiMer
Lefevre, Sjannie; Wang, Tobias; Mckenzie, David.
Warming of aquatic environments as a result of climate change is already having measurable impacts on fishes, manifested as changes in phenology, range shifts and reductions in body size. Understanding the physiological mechanisms underlying these seemingly universal patterns is crucial if we are to reliably predict the fate of fish populations with future warming. This includes an understanding of mechanisms for acute thermal tolerance, as extreme heatwaves may be a major driver of observed effects. The hypothesis of gill oxygen limitation (GOL) is claimed to explain asymptotic fish growth, and why some fish species are decreasing in size with warming; but its underlying assumptions conflict with established knowledge and direct mechanistic evidence is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Critical thermal maximum; CTmax Metabolism; Scope for activity; Temperature tolerance.
Ano: 2021 URL:
Registros recuperados: 5
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