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A field trial on the effects of pure sodium propionate and a combination with herbal extracts on short term development of subclinical ketosis Organic Eprints
Dorn, Katharina; Leiber, Florian; Sundrum, Albert; Holinger, Mirjam; Mayer, Philipp; Walkenhorst, Michael.
While glucogenic substances in ketosis prevention are commonly used, there is a lack of clinical studies about the effectiveness of ketosis therapy in particular by means of sodium propionate and herbal extracts. Fresh cows between 5 and 50 days in milk of 25 Swiss and German dairy farms were tested weekly for ketone bodies in blood. From 283 cows, 121 (42.8%) exceeded the threshold of 1.0 mmol/l blood-β-hydroxybutyrate (BBHB). Thereof 84 cows were randomly assigned to three treatments on each farm. Treatment SP-H was composed of sodium propionate (120 g per application) and an aqueous extract of seven herbs (13.5 g drug equivalent per application), treatment SP comprised pure sodium propionate (120 g per application) and treatment PL was a placebo. All...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Feeding and growth; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Alpha-linolenic and linoleic acid in meat and adipose tissue of grazinglambs differ among alpine pasture types with contrasting plant speciesand phenolic compound composition Organic Eprints
Willems, H.; Kreuzer, M.; Leiber, Florian.
The special quality of foods from alpine grazing systems concerning their fatty acid (FA)composition is well established. However, the contribution of different specific vegetationtypes and the animal’s genotype to this alpine effect is still unclear. In the present study,the FA profiles of muscle and adipose tissue lipids were determined in lambs that hadgrazed either an intensively managed lowland pasture or one of three characteristic alpinevegetation types differing in plant species number and composition, forage quality andamount, and composition of phenolic compounds and FA. On each vegetation type and intwo subsequent years, two groups of lambs (seven Engadine sheep, ES; and seven ValaisianBlack Nose sheep, VS) grazed for 9 weeks and were...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth; Sheep and goats.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Alternative Fütterungskonzepte für Geflügel und Schweine im Biolandbau Organic Eprints
Früh, Barbara; Leiber, Florian; Spengler Neff, Anet; Dierauer, Hansueli.
Alternative Fütterungskonzepte für hohe Leistungen im Biolandbau sind eine Herausforderung. Kurz- und mittelfristig fokussieren die Alternativen eine Äquivalenz zur konventionellen Fütterungspraxis. Hierfür benötigt die Schweizer Biolandwirtschaft mehr Ackerflächen, um hochwertige Eiweissfuttermittel ökologisch und nachhaltig produzieren zu können. Partiell können Nebenprodukte die Eigenversorgung erhöhen. Langfristig muss der Biolandbau aus dem konventionellen Sog der Leistungssteigerung in der Tierhaltung aussteigen. Das bedingt eigene Leistungs-, Qualitäts-, Markt- und andere Konsumentenansprüche, damit der Markt für tierische Produkte weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen kann.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth; Pigs; Poultry.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Apparent recovery of C18 polyunsaturated fatty acids from feed in cow milk: A meta-analysis of the importance of dietary fatty acids and feeding regimens in diets without fat supplementation Organic Eprints
Khiaosa-ard, Ratchaneewan; Kreuzer, Michael; Leiber, Florian.
A meta-analysis was conducted using the results of 82 experiments (78 publications, 266 treatments) to investigate the importance of dietary C18 fatty acids (FA) and feeding regime for milk C18 FA profile and apparent recovery of selected FA relative to intake of these FA or their precursors. Feeding treatments based on lipid-supplemented diets were excluded. Feeding regimes were defined as grazing (including partial and full-time grazing, at dietary concentrate proportions from 0 to 44% dry matter (DM)), forage-based indoor feeding (> 65% forage of total DM intake, DMI) and concentrate-based indoor feeding (forage DMI ≤ 65% of DMI). Linoleic acid (LA), α-linolenic acid (ALA) and total C18 FA proportions in milk fat increased linearly with the...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Feeding and growth.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Artenreiches Rauhfutter als Alleinfutter und Fettsäurenmuster der Milch Organic Eprints
Leiber, Florian; Kreuzer, Michael; Scheeder, Martin R.L.; Wettstein, Hans-Ruedi.
In two experiments it was investigated which factors to what extent determine the fatty acid composition milk when cows are grazing high alpine pastures. The influences of altitude per se, of alpine forage quality, of concentrate-free diet type and of the overall grazing effect were separated by the experimental design. The most important factor which significantly elevated the concentrations of CLA, α-linolenic acid (ALA) and n-3 PUFA in milk fat was found to be the alpine diet type, i.e. the feeding of roughage-only (as well hay as pasture of as well lowland as alpine origin) with omission of concentrates and maize. Additionally a clear positive effect of the forage quality of alpine pastures on ALA concentration in milk fat was found. The latter effect...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Dairy cattle Feeding and growth.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Auswirkungen einer frühen taktilen Behandlungauf Verhalten und stressanzeigende Parameter von Kälbern aus der Mutterkuhhaltung Organic Eprints
Probst, Johanna Karolina; Spengler Neff, Anet; Leiber, Florian; Kreuzer, Michael; Hillmann, Edna.
Die arbeitsextensive Mutterkuhhaltung hat in den letzten Jahren in der Schweiz erheblich zugenommen. Der direkte Kontakt zwischen Mensch und Tier, wie er bei der Haltung von Michkühen durch das tägliche Melken stattfindet, ist in der Mutterkuhhaltung um ein vielfaches vermindert. Eine Folge davon sind oftmals sehr scheue Tiere, die nicht selten ein aggressives Verhalten gegenüber dem Menschen zeigen. Einige Studien haben bereits gezeigt, dass eine taktile Behandlung durch den Menschen das Wohlbefinden der Tiere und gleichzeitig den Umgang mit den Menschen verbessern kann (siehe z.B.: Krohn et al., 2001, Lensink et al., 2000). In der vorliegenden Studie sollten junger Kälber aus der Mutterkuhhaltung einer taktilen Behandlung unterzogen werden. Die...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Beef cattle; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Auswirkungen eines frühen positiven Handlings von Kälbern aus der Mutterkuhhaltung auf ihre Scheu und ihr Stress anzeigendes Verhalten Organic Eprints
Probst, Johanna K.; Spengler Neff, Anet; Leiber, Florian; Kreuzer, Michael; Hillmann, Edna.
In dieser Studie wurde untersucht, ob ein positives Handling zu Beginn des Lebens von Mutterkuhkälbern zu einer verbesserten Mensch-Tier-Beziehung führt, die sich in verminderter Scheu vor dem Menschen und vermindertem Stress bei der Schlachtung äußert.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Beef cattle; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Auswirkungen eines positiven Handlings auf die Ausweichdistanz und die Fleischqualität von Mastrindern aus der Mutterkuhhaltung Organic Eprints
Probst, Johanna K.; Hillmann, Edna; Leiber, Florian; Kreuzer, Michael; Spengler Neff, Anet.
This research investigated the effect of a handling treatment in beef cattle on stress related parameters. Ten 15 months old Limousin beef cattle (crossbreds) were divided in a handling group (HG) and a control group (KG) by pairing animals with similar avoidance distances. The back-region handlings were carried out 10 times for 8 min during 5 weeks before slaughter. Before and after all handling sessions, each animal was tested by an avoidance distance test (AWD). From each carcass, samples of M. longissimus dorsi were analysed for meat quality (cooking loss, shear force and meat colour). Differences between first and second avoidance distance test were greater in HG animals. Avoidance distance got much lower in HG animals than in KG animals. Shear force...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Health and welfare.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Betriebseinflüsse auf das Fress- und Wiederkauverhalten und die Kotpartikelzusammensetzung bei Milchkühen Organic Eprints
Bachmann, F.; Spengler Neff, A.; Probst, J.K.; Boos, J.; Leiber, Florian.
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Feeding and growth.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Bodennahe Wärmeprozesse und vegetatives Wachstum bei Sonnenblumen Organic Eprints
Jancáryová, Danica; Fuchs, Nikolai; Leiber, Florian.
Wärme als qualitativer Naturprozess ist mehr als ein Temperaturzustand. In einem Versuch wurde das Wachstum von Sonnenblumen an zwei unterschiedlich exponierten Standorten mit und ohne Folie untersucht. Ein sensibler Zusammenhang zwischen Wärmeprozessen an der Erdoberfläche und der vegetativen Entwicklungsdynamik wurde festgestellt.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds Crop husbandry.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Buchweizen: eine Futterpflanze für Milchkühe? Organic Eprints
Amelchanka, Sergej; Brand, Daniela; Kälber, Tasja; Kreuzer, Michael; Leiber, Florian.
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) has a high ecological value due to the long and intensive flowering as well as its favorable impact on soil fertility. However, in Europe demand for buckwheat kernels as food is low. Therefore, the question arises whether cultivation of this plant could be promoted by using it as animal feed. In the current preliminary experiment, the extent to which buckwheat, offered in different forms, is consumed by dairy cows was tested in conjunction with potential effects on milk yield. Three groups of lactating cows were fed a silage-concentrate mixture, which either contained 3 kg DM/d buckwheat kernel flour (n=4), or 2.5 kg DM/d buckwheat total plant silage (n=3) or no buckwheat compound (control; n=4). After 4 days of...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Buckwheat in the Nutrition of Livestock and Poultry Organic Eprints
Leiber, Florian.
With its high contents of starch, buckwheat grain can be a valuable source of carbohydrates in diets for any kind of livestock and poultry. Although the crude protein concentrations are limited, its amino acid profile is advantageous due to the high intrinsic proportions of lysine and methionine. In many regions with temperate climate conditions it is possible to cultivate buckwheat as a catch crop, e.g. after the harvest of barley, in the same season. This makes the crop a second harvest from a given arable land within the same year. If it is used to feed livestock, it contributes to decrease the feed-food competition about arable surfaces in a world with dramatically growing food demands. As a flowering crop, buckwheat positively contributes to the...
Tipo: Book chapter Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Feeding and growth.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Can early handling of suckler beef calves reduce their timidity towards humans? Organic Eprints
Probst, Johanna K.; Hillmann, Edna; Leiber, Florian; Kreuzer, Michael; Spengler Neff, Anet.
In herds of suckler beef cows the relationship between humans and animals is an important issue concerning animal handling. Unlike dairy cow herds, suckler beef herds are less used to close contact with humans. Due to low management input animals may be difficult to handle during treatments like medical care, routine handling or at slaughter house.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Beef cattle; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Concentrate reduction and sequential roughage offer to dairy cows: effects on milk protein yield, protein efficiency and milk quality Organic Eprints
Leiber, Florian; Dorn, Katharina; Probst, Johanna K.; Isensee, Anne; Ackermann, Nick; Kuhn, Anton; Spengler Neff, Anet.
An experiment was conducted during 6 weeks to evaluate effects of a reduced dietary level of protein-rich concentrates in a moderate dairy production system on cows’ performance, protein efficiency and milk quality including fatty acid profiles. Twenty-three lactating cows (Swiss Fleckvieh) were assigned either to a group receiving on average 2·4 kg/d individually fed concentrates (Prot+, n = 12) or to a group receiving no individually fed concentrates (Prot−, n = 11). All cows had adlibitum access to a total mixed ration (TMR) mainly based on grass and maize silage, hay and little potatoes and soybean cake. In weeks 4–6 of the experiment, part of the hay was excluded from the TMR, and fed separately in the morning. Individual feed intake and milk yield...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Das Weidesystem beeinflusst Schlachtleistung und Fleischqualität von gesömmerten Lämmern Organic Eprints
Willems, Helen; Werder, Cornel; Kreuzer, Michael; Leiber, Florian.
Die Sömmerungsbeiträge für Schafe sind in der Schweiz nach Weidesystem gestaffelt und bei Umtriebsweide höher als bei Standweide. In dieser Studie wurden in einem kontrollierten Alpweideversuch die in diesen beiden Weidesystemen erzielbare Mast- und Schlachtleistung sowie die Fleischqualität verglichen. Hierzu wurden 55 männliche kastrierte Lämmer (36,2±4,2 kg schwer und 27±3 Wochen alt) der Schweizer Rassen Engadinerschaf und Walliser Schwarznasenschaf einer fetten Milchkrautweide und einer Borstgrasweide jeweils mit Standweide- und Umtriebsweidesystem zugeteilt. Von jeder Rasse wurden auf jedem Vegetationstyp und Weidesystem sechs bis sieben Tiere gehalten. Bei Umtriebsweide waren Tageszuwachs, Schlachtausbeute und tendenziell die Fleischigkeit (CH-TAX)...
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth; Sheep and goats.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Die Auswirkung eines positiven Handlings auf die Ausweichdistanz und die Fleischqualität extensiv gehaltener Rinder Organic Eprints
Probst, Johanna K.; Hillmann, Edna; Leiber, Florian; Kreuzer, Michael; Spengler Neff, Anet.
In der Studie wurde untersucht, wie sich eine Handling Methode (basierend auf TTouch®) auf extensiv gehaltene Limousin Kreuzungstiere (15 Monate alt) auswirkt. Vor Beginn des Handlings wurde der erste Ausweichdistanztest (AWD-Test) durchgeführt. Anhand dieser Ergebnisse wurden zwei Gruppen mit jeweils ähnlichen Ausweichdistanzen gebildet: eine Handlinggruppe (HG = 1♀, 4♂) und eine Kontrollgruppe (KG =2♀, 3♂). Das “head-neck-region Handling” wurde 10-mal für je 8 min innerhalb von 5 Wochen vor der Schlachtung durchgeführt und beinhaltete die Anwendung der TTouch® Methode an der Kopf-Hals Region der Tiere. Ein zweiter AWD-Test wurde nach allen Handlingsessions, kurz vor dem Schlachttermin durchgeführt. Blutserumproben wurden während des Entblutens am...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Beef cattle; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Die Kombination von Kräuterextrakten mit Propionsäure zur Therapie subklinischer Ketosen im biologischen Landbau eine Feldstudie Organic Eprints
Dorn, Katharina; Leiber, Florian; Holinger, Mirjam; Sundrum, Albert; Mayer, P.; Walkenhorst, Dr. Michael.
On 25 Swiss and German organic dairy farms all fresh cows (a total of 283 cows between 5 and 50 days in milk) were tested weekly for blood- -hydroxybutyrate (BBHB), 121 exceeded the threshold of 1.0 mmol/l BBHB. A total of 84 cows were randomly assigned to three treatments which were given daily, diluted in 700ml fluid divided to two oral administrations for 4 days: placebo (PL), 240g sodium propionate per day (SP) and 240g sodium propionate combined with an extract of seven herbs (27g drug equivalent). Milk acetone (MAC) and BBHB were observed during the administration period and thereafter, in total for two weeks. A reduction of ketone bodies was measured in all three treatment groups. No significant differences between SP and PL arose regarding the...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Effects of black soldier fly meal in poultry and fish diets on performance and product quality Organic Eprints
Leiber, Florian; Stadtlander, Timo; Wohlfahrt, Jens; Sandrock, Christoph; Maurer, Veronika.
Insect-based protein meals are in discussion as sustainable components in livestock and fish diets, with a potential to recycle wasted food materials and to replace partly feeds from arable land. Black Soldier Fly (BSF; Hermetia Illucens) is of particular interest in this context. Since insect production for animal feed appears as an additional trophic level in the food chain, it should either base on substrates, which are not directly edible for livestock and fish, or significantly improve feed efficiency or product quality to justify its application. Feed efficiency and product quality after replacing conventional protein sources by BSF meal were therefore tested in recent experiments with layers, broilers and trout. In a layer experiment, respectively...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth; Poultry; Aquaculture.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Effects of dietary sainfoin on feeding, rumination, and faecal particle composition in dairy cows Organic Eprints
Kapp, Alexandra; Kreuzer, Michael; Kaptijn, Gerdine; Leiber, Florian.
An experiment was conducted to test whether dietary sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia), a plant containing condensed tannins, affects feeding and rumination behaviour of dairy cows fed different roughage-only diets. Out of a herd of sixty lactating Swiss Fleckvieh cows, twenty-nine were chosen for a 6-week experiment. Cows were fed pasture, fresh cut grass and hay. During week 1 (baseline) and weeks 2-4, they had access to pasture for 4 hours during day, and received approximately 6 kg DM/day fresh grass and 4 kg DM/day hay in barn. In week 5 and 6, daily pasture allowance was 2 h; hay offer was doubled. In week 2-6, each cow individually received respectively 1 kg of pelleted feed in the morning and in the evening. Ten cows received ryegrass pellets in week...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Feeding and growth.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Effects of vegetation type and breed on n-3 and n-6 fatty acid proportions in heart, lung and brain phospholipids of lambs Organic Eprints
Leiber, Florian; Willems, Helen; Werne, Steffen; Ammer, Stefanie; Kreuzer, Michael.
The known influence of forage composition on fatty acid (FA) profiles in ruminants’ meat and milk may be different for other organs. Therefore, in the present study FA profiles of phospholipids in lung tissue, heart muscle and brain (medulla oblongata) were examined in growing Engadine and Valaisian Blacknose sheep grazing 4 pastures of different botanical composition, whereof three were extensively managed natural mountain swards. An intensively managed lowland pasture represented the control. On each pasture type, 6–7 lambs of each breed (54 in total) grazed for 9 weeks and were subsequently slaughtered. Tissue samples were taken at slaughter, homogenized and analyzed for FA profiles after phospholipid extraction. Response to the diets was tissue...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth; Sheep and goats; Health and welfare.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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