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Cryptococcus laurentii fungaemia in a cervical cancer patient BJID
Neves,Rejane Pereira; Lima Neto,Reginaldo Gonçalves de; Leite,Melyna Chaves; Silva,Vanessa Karina Alves da; Santos,Franz de Assis Graciano dos; Macêdo,Danielle Patrícia Cerqueira.
ABSTRACT Infections caused by emerging Cryptococcus non-neoformans species are being reported with increasingly frequency. Here, we present a case of fungaemia byCryptococcus laurentii in a woman receiving aggressive immunosuppressive therapy for cervical neoplasia. Three venous blood samples were aseptically collected on consecutive days and C. laurentiiwas isolated and identified through phenotypic and molecular methods. After central venous catheter removal and appropriate antifungal therapy, the patient showed significant improvement and blood culture became negative. Thus, patients following immunosuppressive therapies and using invasive medical devices are at risk of C. laurentii blood infections.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Cryptococcus laurentii; Fungaemia; Cancer.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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