Taormina, Bastien; Bald, Juan; Want, Andrew; Thouzeau, Gerard; Lejart, Morgane; Desroy, Nicolas; Carlier, Antoine. |
Submarine power cables (SPC) have been in use since the mid-19th century, but environmental concerns about them are much more recent. With the development of marine renewable energy technologies, it is vital to understand their potential impacts. The commissioning of SPC may temporarily or permanently impact the marine environment through habitat damage or loss, noise, chemical pollution, heat and electromagnetic field emissions, risk of entanglement, introduction of artificial substrates, and the creation of reserve effects. While growing numbers of scientific publications focus on impacts of the marine energy harnessing devices, data on impacts of associated power connections such as SPC are scarce and knowledge gaps persist. The present study (1)... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Submarine power cables; Marine renewable energy; Environmental impacts; Ecosystem functioning; Benthic habitats. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00454/56542/58330.pdf |
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Lejart, Morgane; Auvray, Cedric; Barillier, Agnes; Cadiou, Bernard; Carlier, Antoine; Delpech, Jean-paul; Folegot, Thomas; Giry, Cyril; Loaec, Jean-marie; Martinez, Ludivine; Prevot, Jehanne. |
The objective of GHYDRO, a France Energies Marines project, is to draw up a methodology guide that provide stakeholders in tidal stream energy projects with decision-making help for the environmental integration of generators and tidal farms. The methodological guide currently represents a summary of the recommendations concerning the diverse physical parameters and biological compartments of the ecosystems that are potentially affected. The physical and biological compartments of the marine ecosystems have been addressed separately in the guide, in order to propose methodologies adapted to each one, in relation to the establishment of the initial state, the characterisation of the potential impacts and the environmental monitoring. To bring together the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Methodology guide; Environmental impact; Tidal stream energy. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00230/34115/32570.pdf |
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Araignous, Emma; Beaugrand, Gregory; Ben Rais Lasram, Frida; Bourdaud, Pierre; Champagnat, Juliette; Dauvin, Jean-claude; Grangeré, Karine; Halouani, Ghassen; Haraldsson, Matilda; Hattab, Tarek; Le Loch, Francois; Leroy, Boris; Lejart, Morgane; Niquil, Nathalie; Nogues, Quintin; Pagot, J.-p.; Raoux, Aurore; Safi, Georges; Villanueva, Ching-maria. |
Les études d’impact environnemental menées en amont des projets éoliens offshores considèrent chaque compartiment de manière individuelle, et non pas l’écosystème dans son ensemble. La compréhension des liens trophiques et l’appréhension de l’écosystème de manière holistique est pourtant un enjeu important rapporté par les politiques publiques telles que la Directive Cadre Stratégie pour le Milieu Marin (Directive 2008/56/EC). Le projet collaboratif TROPHIK (ANR-10-IEED-0006-12) pose les bases d’une approche écosystémique des Energies Marines Renouvelables (EMR) destinée à permettre une démarche holistique et intégrée avant installation de parcs éoliens en mer. Cette approche s’appuie sur un cas d’étude français, le site du futur parc éolien au large de... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00511/62273/66478.pdf |
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