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Assessing stakeholder's experience and sensitivity on key issues for the economic growth of organic aquaculture production Organic Eprints
Lembo, Giuseppe; Jokumsen, Alfred; Spedicato, Maria Teresa; Facchini, Maria Teresa; Bitetto, Isabella.
Participatory management is widely recognised as a working method of paramount importance, based on the principles of knowledge sharing, accountability and legitimacy. Hence, it is broadly considered suitable for addressing issues related to the sustainable development of the seafood industry, and specifically, of the aquaculture system. A survey focused on the current EU regulatory framework was carried out to elicit stakeholders’ preferences, knowledge and experience on key issues for the development of organic aquaculture, supported by science-based regulations. The survey was completed by 65 stakeholders belonging to several categories, and it was supported by the implementation of the Analytic Hierarchy Process method. Stakeholders’ preferences were...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Consumer issues; Aquaculture; European Union; Regulation.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Jokumsen, Alfred; Lembo, Giuseppe.
Feed costs account for more than half of the production costs in aquaculture. In particular this concerns organic aquaculture, which has to comply with specific rules for sourcing feed ingredients for organic feed. Thus, specific rules on feeds for carnivorous aquaculture animals request that the feed shall be sourced with the following priorities (EU Reg. 710/2009 art. 25k, as amended by EU Reg. 1358/2014): (a) organic feed products of aquaculture origin; (b) fish meal and fish oil from organic aquaculture trimmings; (c) fish meal and fish oil and ingredients of fish origin derived from trimmings of fish already caught for human consumption in sustainable fisheries; (d) organic feed materials of plant origin and of animal origin; (e) feed products...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Production systems; Feeding and growth; Health and welfare; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Large-scale distribution of a deep-sea megafauna community along Mediterranean trawlable grounds ArchiMer
Fernandez-arcaya, Ulla; Bitetto, Isabella; Esteban, Antonio; Farriols, M. Teresa; García-ruiz, Cristina; Gil De Sola, Luis; Guijarro, Beatriz; Jadaud, Angelique; Kavadas, Stefanos; Lembo, Giuseppe; Milisenda, Giacomo; Maina, Irida; Petovic, Slavica; Sion, Letizia; Vaz, Sandrine; Massutí, Enric.
The large-scale distribution pattern of megafauna communities along the Mediterranean middle slope was explored. The study was conducted between 500 and 800 m depth where deep-water fishery occurs. Although community studies carried out deeper than 500 m are partly available for some geographic areas, few large-scale comparative studies have been carried out. Within the framework of the MEDITS survey programme, we compared the megafauna community structure in ten geographical sub-areas (GSAs) along the Mediterranean coasts. Additionally, the spatial distribution of fishing was analysed using vessel monitoring by satellite information. Overall, the community showed a significant difference between sub-areas, with a decreasing eastward pattern in abundance...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Distribution pattern; Fishing impact; Continental slope; Deep sea; Megafauna; Red shrimp; Community.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Modelling spatio-temporal patterns of fish community size structure across the northern Mediterranean Sea: an analysis combining MEDITS survey data with environmental and anthropogenic drivers ArchiMer
Bitetto, Isabella; Romagnoni, Giovanni; Adamidou, Angeliki; Certain, Gregoire; Di Lorenzo, Manfredi; Donnaloia, Marilena; Lembo, Giuseppe; Maiorano, Porzia; Milisenda, Giacomo; Musumeci, Claudia; Ordines, Francesc; Pesci, Paola; Peristeraki, Panagiota; Pesic, Ana; Sartor, Paolo; Spedicato, Maria Teresa.
The state of marine systems subject to natural or anthropogenic impacts can be generally summarized by suites of ecological indicators carefully selected to avoid redundancy. Length-based indicators capture the status of fish community structure, fulfilling the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) requirement for Descriptor 3 (status of commercial fish species). Although the MSFD recommends the development of regional indicators, a comparison among alternative length-based indicators is so far missing for the Mediterranean Sea. Using principal component analysis and dynamic factor analysis, we identified the most effective subset of length-based indicators, whether or not based on maximum length. Indicator trends and time series of fishing effort and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Demersal fish community; Size structure indicators; Geographical sub-area; Marine Strategy Framework Directive; Dynamic factor analysis; Redundancy analysis.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Organic Aquaculture Impacts and Future Developments Organic Eprints
Lembo, Giuseppe; Mente, Elena.
This book addresses, reviews and evaluates key themes in organic aquaculture and is set out to show how these relate to the challenges and bottlenecks for a responsible organic aquaculture production in Europe. The key themes reflect the main challenges facing the organic aquaculture industry: guarantee and certification system, nutrition, reproduction, production system design and animal welfare. In addition, it assesses the impact of new and future potential development of new knowledge to update and modify the criteria and standards for organic aquaculture. Organic aquaculture is an alternative production approach driven by the growing interest in sustainable utilization of resources. It is rightly viewed as an important contributor to the economy and...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Production systems; Farm economics; Feeding and growth; Breeding and genetics; Health and welfare; Aquaculture.
Ano: 2019
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Size-dependent survival of European hake juveniles in the Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Hidalgo, Manuel; Ligas, Alessandro; Maria Bellido, Jose; Bitetto, Isabella; Carbonara, Pierluiggi; Carlucci, Roberto; Guijarro, Beatriz; Jadaud, Angelique; Lembo, Giuseppe; Manfredi, Chiara; Esteban, Antonio; Garofalo, Germana; Ikica, Zdravko; Garcia, Cristina; Gil De Sola, Luis; Kavadas, Stefanos; Maina, Irida; Sion, Letizia; Vittori, Stefania; Vrgoc, Nedo.
Most studies on European hake focus on the recruitment process and nursery areas, whereas the information is comparatively limited on the ecology of the juvenile stage (ca. second year of life)-the one most exploited by the Mediterranean trawl fisheries. Using information of the MEDITS programme, we provide a spatial and temporal assessment of the influence of body size and growth on hake survival from recruits (age 0) to juveniles (age 1), along with the impact of surface temperature and chlorophyll variability. At a biogeographic scale, size-dependent survival is supported, with areas with higher mean length of recruits and juveniles yielding higher survival. A similar pattern was observed at interannual level in some western Mediterranean areas, also...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Juvenile survival; European hake; Mediterranean Sea; Size dependence.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Spatial distribution of marine macro-litter on the seafloor in the northern Mediterranean Sea: the MEDITS initiative ArchiMer
Spedicato, Maria Teresa; Zupa, Walter; Carbonara, Pierluigi; Fiorentino, Fabio; Follesca, Maria Cristina; Galgani, Francois; Garcia-ruiz, Cristina; Jadaud, Angelique; Ioakeimidis, Christos; Lazarakis, Giorgios; Lembo, Giuseppe; Mandic, Milica; Maiorano, Porzia; Sartini, Marina; Serena, Fabrizio; Cau, Alessandro; Esteban, Antonio; Isajlovic, Igor; Micallef, Reno; Thasitis, Ioannis.
Marine litter is one of the main sources of anthropogenic pollution in the marine ecosystem, with plastic representing a global threat. This paper aims to assess the spatial distribution of plastic macro-litter on the seafloor, identifying accumulation hotspots at a northern Mediterranean scale. Density indices (items km–2) from the MEDITS trawl surveys (years 2013-2015) were modelled by generalized additive models using a Delta-type approach and several covariates: latitude, longitude, depth, seafloor slope, surface oceanographic currents and distances from main ports. To set thresholds for the identification of accumulation areas, the percentiles (85th, 90th and 95th) of the plastic spatial density distribution were computed on the raster data. In the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine macro-litter; Plastic; Mediterranean Sea; GAM modelling; Accumulation areas; MEDITS.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Spatial distribution pattern of European hake, Merluccius merluccius (Pisces: Merlucciidae), in the Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Sioni, Letizia; Zupa, Walter; Calculli, Crescenza; Garofalo, Germana; Hidalgo, Manuel; Jadaud, Angelique; Lefkaditou, Evgenia; Ligas, Alessandro; Peristeraki, Panagiota; Bitetto, Isabella; Capezutto, Francesca; Carlucci, Roberto; Esteban, Antonio; Follesa, Cristina; Guijarro, Beatriz; Ikica, Zdravko; Isajlovic, Igor; Lembo, Giuseppe; Manfredi, Chiara; Perez, José Luiz; Porcu, Cristina; Thasitis, Ioannis; Tserpes, George; Carbonara, Pierluigi.
The present study provides updated information on the occurrence, abundance and biomass distribution patterns and length frequencies of Merluccius merluccius in the Mediterranean Sea, by analysing a time series of data from the Mediterranean International Trawl Surveys (MEDITS) from 1994 to 2015. The highest values of abundance and biomass were observed in the Sardinian Seas. The use of a generalized additive model, in which standardized biomass indices (kg km–2) were analysed as a function of environmental variables, explained how ecological factors could affect the spatio-temporal distribution of European hake biomass in the basin. High biomass levels predicted by the model were observed especially at 200 m depth and between 14°C and 18°C, highlighting...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Merluccius merluccius; Distribution pattern; Environmental factors; MEDITS; Mediterranean Sea.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Using the ALADYM simulation model for exploring the effects of management scenarios on fish population metrics ArchiMer
Spedicato, Maria Teresa; Poulard, Jean-charles; Politou, Chrissi-yianna; Radtke, Krzysztof; Lembo, Giuseppe; Petitgas, Pierre.
Simulation of fisheries systems is a widely used approach that integrates monitoring and assessment tools. We applied the ALADYM (age-length based dynamic model) simulation model to three different studies aimed at investigating correlations between pressure and population metrics, exploring the viability of different mortality levels in long-term scenarios and predicting the effects of combined management measures. Uncertainty was incorporated into the simulations following the Monte Carlo paradigm. Three stocks were used for these exercises: red mullet in the central-southern Tyrrhenian Sea and European hake in both the Bay of Biscay and the Aegean Sea. The analysis of the relationships between total mortality and indicators highlighted significant...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Simulation model; Model-based indicators; Fishery management; Reference points; Mullus barbatus; Merluccius merluccius; Mediterranean Sea; Atlantic Ocean.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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