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Retreat history of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet since the Last Glacial Maximum 5
Mackintosh, Andrew N.; Verleyen, Elie; O'Brien, Philip E.; White, Duanne A.; Jones, R. Selwyn; Mckay, Robert; Dunbar, Robert; Gore, Damian B.; Fink, David; Post, Alexandra L.; Miura, Hideki; Leventer, Amy; Goodwin, Ian; Hodgson, Dominic A.; Lilly, Katherine; Crosta, Xavier; Golledge, Nicholas R.; Wagner, Bernd; Berg, Sonja; Van Ommen, Tas; Zwartz, Dan; Roberts, Stephen J.; Vyverman, Wim; Masse, Guillaume.
The East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) is the largest continental ice mass on Earth, and documenting its evolution since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is important for understanding its present-day and future behaviour. As part of a community effort, we review geological evidence from East Antarctica that constrains the ice sheet history throughout this period (similar to 30,000 years ago to present). This includes terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dates from previously glaciated regions, C-14 chronologies from glacial and post-glacial deposits onshore and on the continental shelf, and ice sheet thickness changes inferred from ice cores and continental-scale ice sheet models. We also include new C-14 dates from the George V Land Terre Adelie Coast shelf. We...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Antarctica; Last Glacial Maximum; Ice sheet; Sea level rise.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Seismic stratigraphy and glacial cycles in the inland passages of the Magallanes Region of Chile, southernmost South America 5
Fernandez, Rodrigo; Gulick, Sean; Rodrigo, Cristian; Domack, Eugene; Leventer, Amy.
We present results of a marine geophysical survey that imaged submarine sedimentary and geomorphic features of the main inland channels of the Magallanes Region of Chile, in southernmost South America. This region holds a remarkable terrestrial and marine record of glacial variations in the closest landmass to Antarctica. We report evidence for grounded ice along the main channels associated with two ice lobes that flowed from Cordillera Darwin, part of the Austral Andes, into Central Estrecho de Magallanes and Seno Almirantazgo. Multibeam data show drumlins and glacial lineations in Whiteside Channel the northern continuation of Seno Almirantazgo, and iceberg plough marks in Central Estrecho de Magallanes. Multichannel seismic data show a complex array of...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2017 URL:
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