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Carcass Quality Volume and Grid Pricing: An Investigation of Cause and Effect 31
Fausti, Scott W.; Qasmi, Bashir A.; Li, Jing.
The relationship between publically reported weekly grid premiums and discounts for specific carcass characteristics and the percentage of those characteristics reflected in total weekly slaughter volume (i.e., proportional slaughter volume) is investigated. Granger Causality and multi-lag VAR models were used to investigate if grid premiums and discounts were efficiently transmitting market signals to producers with respect to carcass quality attributes. The empirical evidence indicates that there is little evidence to suggest that grid prices are providing efficient price signals to buyers and sellers with respect to market valuation of desirable and undesirable beef carcass characteristics.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Grid pricing; Granger Causality; Slaughter cattle; Beef carcass quality; Demand and Price Analysis; Livestock Production/Industries; Marketing; Q11; Q13.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Crop Choice, Non-Target Pest Levels, Yield Loss and Their Effect on Insecticide Use in South Dakota 31
McDonald, Tia Michelle; Keating, Ariel Ruth; Fausti, Scott W.; Li, Jing; Lundgren, Jonathan G..
Agriculturally, South Dakota is a unique state possessing the highest rate of adoption for genetically modified crop varieties. In 2009 ninety-six percent of corn acres planted in South Dakota were genetically modified compared with eighty-five percent nationally (Economic Research Service). Additionally, South Dakota has seen a dramatic increase in the number of acres treated with insecticide over the past 20 years. These two situations taken together seem to be counterintuitive. Some genetically modified varieties, such as Bt corn, are equipped with genetic defenses so that they can protect the plant from target pests. Intuitively, one would expect to see a decrease in insecticide use as adoption of genetically modified varieties increase. Recent...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Bt corn; GM crops; Insecticide; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Q1; Q2; Q5.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Effects of Land Circulation on the Development of Modern Agriculture 31
Wu, Zhe; Li, Jing.
Based on the introduction of modern agriculture, relationship between land circulation and modern agriculture is discussed. This relationship is reflected mainly in two aspects. Firstly, land circulation is a necessary requirement for the development of modern agriculture, which can speed up the adjustment of agricultural structure and realize the scale management, accelerate the transfer of the rural population and improve the agricultural income, enhance the risk resisting ability of agriculture and the response of agriculture to market challenges. Secondly, development of modern agriculture must be based on land circulation. Land circulation can not only provide resource allocation basis for modern agriculture, but also offer economic benefit basis for...
Tipo: Thesis or Dissertation Palavras-chave: Land circulation; Modern agriculture; Marginal expectation; Scale economy; China; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Fed Cattle Forward Contract Volume and Basis Relationship 31
Abahana, Zelalem; Diersen, Matthew A.; Li, Jing; Klein, Nicole L..
The poster covers analysis and models of forward contracting during the contracting period. A conceptual model is presented to explain how contracting patterns relate to industry factors and negotiation power of buyers and sellers. Time series techniques are used to model basis, weekly volume, and total volume. Forecasting models are also presented.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cattle; Forward contract; Basis; Negotiation; Placements; Agribusiness; Demand and Price Analysis; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Food Access and Food Security – An Empirical Analysis 31
Bonanno, Alessandro; Li, Jing.
This paper analyzes the effect of access to different types of food outlets on households’ food insecurity levels. Two years (2004 and 2005) of Current Population Survey – Food Security Supplement data are matched with MSA-level data on store counts of Wal-Mart Supercenters, small food stores (small grocery stores and convenience stores), medium and large grocery stores, and convenience stores associated with gas stations. Endogeneity of food stores’ location is accounted for to eliminate spurious correlation between households’ food security status and food access. Preliminary results indicate that, before accounting for endogeneity bias, the presence of Wal-Mart supercenters appears to be associated to higher levels of households’ food insecurity, while...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food Security; Food Access; 2-Stage Residual Inclusion; Wal-Mart; Convenience Stores; Grocery Stores; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Security and Poverty; Industrial Organization; Q18; L81; P46.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Grid Pricing: An Empirical Investigation of Market Signal Clarity 31
Fausti, Scott W.; Qasmi, Bashir A.; Li, Jing.
The ability of the grid marketing system for fed cattle to provide an efficient price transmission mechanism is investigated. Nerlove’s (1958) adaptive expectations approach is adopted to model the relationship between grid premiums (discounts) and the weekly relative supply of carcass quality attributes. Linear regression techniques are used to estimate Nerlove’s supply response function. Granger Causality tests are conducted to investigate the relationship between grid premiums (discounts) and the relative supply of carcass quality attributes. Regression estimates and the Granger Causality tests provide empirical support for the 2005 National Beef Quality Audit call for clearer market signals.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Grid pricing; Price transmission; Carcass quality; Supply response function; Marketing; Risk and Uncertainty; Q11; D40.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Inflationary Effect of Oil-Price Shocks in an Imperfect Market: A Partial Transmission Input-output Analysis 31
Wu, Libo; Li, Jing; Zhang, ZhongXiang.
This paper aims to examine the impacts of oil-price shocks on China’s price levels. To that end, we develop a partial transmission input-output model that captures the uniqueness of the Chinese market. We hypothesize and simulate price control, market factors and technology substitution - the three main factors that restrict the functioning of a price pass-through mechanism during oil-price shocks. Using the models of both China and the U.S., we separate the impact of price control from those of other factors leading to China’s price stickiness under oil-price shocks. The results show a sharp contrast between China and the U.S., with price control in China significantly preventing oil-price shocks from spreading into its domestic inflation, especially in...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Oil-price Shocks; Price Transmission; Price Control; Input-output Analysis; Inflation; Industrial Structure; China; The United States; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q43; Q41; Q48; O13; O53; P22; E31.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Insecticide Use and Crop Selection: A South Dakota Case Study 31
McDonald, Tia Michelle; Keating, Ariel Ruth; Fausti, Scott W.; Li, Jing; Lundgren, Jonathan G.; Catangui, Mike.
South Dakota has recently experienced a significant increase in the proportion of acres treated with insecticide. Unfortunately, data on insecticide usage by crop at the county level is not available. The following case study seeks to uncover the reasons for this increase by analyzing county-level data in South Dakota with a fixed effects panel regression. The study links the proportion of acres planted for a specific crop to the proportion of total acres treated with insecticide. This approach provides insight on how changing cropping patterns in South Dakota have influenced insecticide use.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Insecticides; Genetically Modified Organism; Target pests; Environmental Economics and Policy; Production Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q1; Q2; Q5.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Mandatory Livestock Price Reporting, Market Transparency and Grid Price Dispersion 31
Fausti, Scott W.; Qasmi, Bashir A.; Li, Jing; Diersen, Matthew A..
Mandatory livestock price reporting (MPR) was implemented in April 2001. Empirical evidence indicates a significant change in the weekly variability of publicly reported fed cattle grid premiums and discounts occurred after MPR implementation. We evaluated the effect of increased market transparency resulting from implementation of MPR on grid premium and discount dispersion lelvels. Empirical results suggest that increased trransparency is compatible with either an increase or a decrease in dispersion. These results suggest that during the pre-MPR periods, the weekly premium and discount point estimators were derived from a non-representative sample.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Fed cattle; Grid pricing; Market transparency; Price dispersion; Demand and Price Analysis; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Plights and Countermeasures for the Development of Rural Labor Broker—Based on the Investigation of Rural Labor Brokers in Chongqing Munitipality 31
Hu, Tongze; Li, Na; Li, Jing.
Based on the investigation into the rural labor brokers in Chongqing Municipality, the developmental momentum of rural labor brokers in Chongqing Municipality is introduced. The valid questionnaires show that the main factors which limit the development of rural labor brokers in Chongqing Municipality are the scant effective information, low quality, insufficient education and training, absent of specialized policies and regulations, low degree of organization, and low social recognition. The requirements for the healthy development of rural labor brokers are concluded, which include healthy policies and regulations, healthy social culture and the external support from the government. Besides, the rural labor brokers should have high competence, high...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Rural labor broker; Developmental plights; Countermeasures; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The Affect of Animal Gender on Fed Cattle Producer Marketing Behavior 31
Fausti, Scott W.; Qasmi, Bashir A.; Diersen, Matthew A.; Li, Jing; Lange, Brent.
Weekly grid market share by volume for slaughter steers is compared to slaughter heifers. Summary statistics indicate average grid market share for steers (42%) is 27% higher than slaughter heifers (33%). The literature indicates that pregnancy and increased dark cutter incidence associated with heifers relative to steers creates additional financial risk when heifers are sold on a grid. Econometric analysis suggests grid market share is less sensitive to change in market conditions for heifers relative to steers. The empirical evidence is consistent with the supposition that marketing heifers is riskier than marketing steers on a grid. Thus sellers need stronger economic incentives to market heifers on a grid relative to steers.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Grid pricing; Fed cattle; Animal gender; Risk; Livestock Production/Industries; Q00.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The Effect of the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act on Market Transparency and Grid Price Dispersion 31
Fausti, Scott W.; Qasmi, Bashir A.; Li, Jing; Diersen, Matthew A..
The Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act (MPR) of 1999 was implemented in April 2001. Empirical evidence indicates a significant change in intra-week price dispersion associated with publicly reported fed cattle grid premiums and discounts occurring after MPR implementation. The research objective is to evaluate the effect of increased market transparency resulting from implementation of MPR, on grid intra-week premium and discount dispersion levels. Empirical results suggest that increased transparency is compatible with intra-week dispersion levels increasing. Increased dispersion suggests that during the pre-MPR period weekly premium and discount data may have been drawn from a non-representative sample. From the empirical evidence, it is concluded...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Fed cattle; Grid pricing; Market transparency; Price dispersion; Price volatility; Mandatory livestock price reporting; Agricultural and Food Policy; Demand and Price Analysis; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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