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Plights and Countermeasures for the Development of Rural Labor Broker—Based on the Investigation of Rural Labor Brokers in Chongqing Munitipality AgEcon
Hu, Tongze; Li, Na; Li, Jing.
Based on the investigation into the rural labor brokers in Chongqing Municipality, the developmental momentum of rural labor brokers in Chongqing Municipality is introduced. The valid questionnaires show that the main factors which limit the development of rural labor brokers in Chongqing Municipality are the scant effective information, low quality, insufficient education and training, absent of specialized policies and regulations, low degree of organization, and low social recognition. The requirements for the healthy development of rural labor brokers are concluded, which include healthy policies and regulations, healthy social culture and the external support from the government. Besides, the rural labor brokers should have high competence, high...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Rural labor broker; Developmental plights; Countermeasures; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Residential Energy Consumption in Urban China AgEcon
Zhao, Xiaoli; Li, Na; Ma, Chunbo.
Residential energy consumption (REC) is the second largest energy use category (10%) in China and urban residents account for most of the REC. Understanding the underlying drivers of variations of urban REC thus helps to identify challenges and opportunities and provide advices for future policy measures. This paper applies the logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) to a decomposition of China’s urban REC during the period of 1998-2007 at disaggregated product/activity level using data collected from a wide range of sources. Our results have shown an extensive structure change towards a more energy-intensive household consumption structure as well as an intensive structure change towards high-quality and cleaner energy such as electricity, oil, and natural...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Residential Energy Consumption; Index Decomposition Analysis (IDA); China; Consumer/Household Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q32; Q43.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Trade Agreements, Political Economy and Endogenously Incomplete Contracts AgEcon
Li, Na; Ker, Alan P..
We develop a political economy model of trade agreements following along the line of Grossman and Helpman (1995a) yet incorporating contracting costs, uncertainty and multiple policy instruments. We show that rent-seeking efforts do not affect tariff rates as they are offset by the substitution effect of domestic production subsidies. Similar to Horn et al (2010), we find the coexistence of uncertainty and contracting costs make optimal trade agreements incomplete contracts. Our model helps explain differential treatment on subsidies, countervailing duties, and the national treatment principle - all key provisions of the current WTO agreement.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Trade agreement; Political economy; Contracting cost; Uncertainty JEL Classification:; Agricultural and Food Policy; International Relations/Trade; Political Economy; Public Economics.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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