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A review of rare, poorly known, and morphologically problematic extant marine organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst taxa of the orders Gymnodiniales and Peridiniales from the Northern Hemisphere ArchiMer
Mertens, Kenneth; Gu, Haifeng; Gurdebeke, Pieter R.; Takano, Yoshihito; Clarke, Dave; Aydin, Hilal; Li, Zhen; Pospelova, Vera; Shin, Hyeon Ho; Li, Zhun; Matsuoka, Kazumi; Head, Martin J..
Dinoflagellates are a major component of the modern plankton. Of the 2192 species of marine free-living dinoflagellates presently described, an increasing number are being shown to produce resting cysts (probably hypnozygotes) within their life cycle. With rare exception, only the resting cysts fossilize, so they are of central importance in tracing the history of dinoflagellates through geological time. Cysts of many of the more common dinoflagellate species have distinctive morphologies allowing their geographic and stratigraphic occurrences to be traced. An ever-increasing number of taxa are also being shown to produce distinctive cysts, potentially increasing our knowledge of the diverse representation of dinoflagellates through time. Here the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Archaeperidinium; Diplopsalis; Dubridinium; Echinidinium; Gymnodinium; Lejeunecysta; Protoperidinium.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Discovery of a New Clade Nested Within the Genus Alexandrium (Dinophyceae): Morpho-molecular Characterization of Centrodinium punctatum (Cleve) F.J.R. Taylor ArchiMer
Li, Zhun; Mertens, Kenneth; Nézan, Elisabeth; Chomérat, Nicolas; Bilien, Gwenael; Iwataki, Mitsunori; Shin, Hyeon Ho.
Investigation of phytoplankton from East China Sea of the Pacific Ocean, offshore Réunion Island of the Indian Ocean, and the French Atlantic coast revealed a species of poorly known armored fusiform dinoflagellate. To clarify this species, morphology and phylogeny based on mitochondrial and nuclear protein gene sequence (Cox1, Cob and Hsp90) concatenated with the SSU, ITS region and LSU rDNA sequences were analysed. Epifluorescence and scanning electron microscopy observations revealed that the nucleus of the specimen was elongated, sausage-shaped and located equatorially on the left lateral side of the cell, and that the plate formula is Po, 3′, 1a, 6″, 6C, 8S, 5‴, 1p, 2′‴. These morphological features indicate that the species can be assigned to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fusiform dinoflagellate; Centrodinium; Alexandrium; Morphology; Phylogeny.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Prorocentrum shikokuense Hada and P. donghaiense Lu are junior synonyms of P. obtusidens Schiller, but not of P. dentatum Stein (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae) ArchiMer
Shin, Hyeon Ho; Li, Zhun; Mertens, Kenneth; Seo, Min Ho; Gu, Haifeng; Lim, Weol Ae; Yoon, Yang Ho; Soh, Ho Young; Matsuoka, Kazumi.
In Japanese, Chinese and Korean coastal waters, recurrent blooms of a small, elongate Prorocentrum species have been observed in recent years. In previous studies, this species has been respectively identified as P. shikokuense, P. donghaiense and P. dentatum, despite morphological similarity and identical rDNA sequences. To resolve the confusion, morphological features, including the architectural details of the periflagellar area, were examined and ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences were obtained from specimens collected from the East China Sea and Korean coast, and a strain established in the waters off the Canary Islands of Spain. In addition, the descriptions of the three species and allied species were reviewed. Morphological observations and a phylogeny...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Morphology; Periflagellar area; RDNA; Prorocentrum veloi; P. monacense.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Reclassification of Gonyaulax verior (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae) as Sourniaea diacantha gen. et comb. nov. ArchiMer
Zhang, Wei; Li, Zhun; Mertens, Kenneth; Derrien, Amelie; Pospelova, Vera; Carbonell-moore, M. Consuelo; Bagheri, Siamak; Matsuoka, Kazumi; Shin, Hyeon Ho; Gu, Haifeng.
Gonyaulax verior was initially described as Amylax diacantha from Belgian coastal waters a century ago but its detailed morphology needed restudy. Here, we established nine strains of G. verior by germinating cysts or isolating cells from localities from the European Atlantic to the Caspian Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Both cyst and thecal morphology were examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. SSU, LSU and/or ITS-5.8S rRNA gene sequences were obtained from all strains. Cells of G. verior have a plate formula of Po, 4′, 2a, 6-7′′, 6C, 6S, 6′′′, 1p, 1′′′′ with an L-type ventral organisation, characterised by two either straight or curved antapical horns of variable length. Cysts of G. verior are oval, smooth and contain one or two yellow...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Amylax diacantha; Cysts; Dinoflagellate; Gonyaulax longispina; Molecular phylogeny.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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