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Mosaico da citronela Bragantia
Costa,A. S.; Lima,A. R.; Jacob,A..
A type of mosaic is commonly found in experimental fields of the citronella plant (Cyrnbopogon winterianus) in the State of São Paulo. Inoculation tests carried out with the viruses of citronella and sugar cane mosaic showed that the symptoms induced by both viruses on a number of host plants were alike. The results of these tests and those obtained in a comparative study of some properties of the two viruses indicated that the citronella mosaic virus belongs to the sugar cane mosaic virus complex.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1950 URL:
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Seleção de fumo "amarelinho" para estufa Bragantia
Lima,A. R.; Brieger,F. G.; Santos,S. R. dos.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other
Ano: 1944 URL:
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