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Anthocyanins, pigment stability and antioxidant activity in jabuticaba [Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.) O. Berg] Rev. Bras. Frutic.
Lima,Annete de Jesus Boari; Corrêa,Angelita Duarte; Saczk,Adelir Aparecida; Martins,Mariana Pereira; Castilho,Rachel Oliveira.
Different solvents were evaluated for the extraction of jabuticaba anthocyanin pigments, identifying, quantifying and verifying the stability of the anthocyanins, as well as the conduction of three antioxidant activity assays and determination of the vitamin C levels. The maceration with ethanol acidified with HCl 1.5 mol L-1 (85:15) provides better pigment extraction and stability. The skin is anthocyanin rich, presenting 1.59 and 2.06 g 100 g-1 of dry matter in the Paulista and Sabará varieties, respectively. Cyanidin 3-glucoside is the majority pigment of the skins, followed by delphinidin 3-glucoside. The highest level of vitamin C was found in the skins and seeds of both varieties. It was verified that the skins, presented more antioxidant activity,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Jabuticaba; Anthocyanin; Method of extraction; Vitamin C; Antioxidant activity.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Chemical evaluation and effect of bagging new peach varieties introduced in southern Minas Gerais - Brazil Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
Lima,Annete de Jesus Boari; Alvarenga,Ângelo Alberico; Malta,Marcelo Ribeiro; Gebert,Deyse; Lima,Elisa Boari de.
Brazilian peach production is insufficient for domestic supply. Aiming to increase production in the state of Minas Gerais, 16 new peach tree varieties were introduced in the Serra da Mantiqueira region and their fruit were analyzed for sugar, total phenol and total carotenoid contents by colorimetric methods, and for organic acid content by high-performance liquid chromatography. In addition, we examined the effect of fruit bagging on the levels of such constituents. To do so, the fruit of half the trees of each variety were bagged. The levels of sugars, phenols, carotenoids and organic acids are genotypic characteristics and significantly differed among varieties. Despite being a good form of fruit protection, providing better aspect and reducing the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Peach; Chemical constituents; Bagging.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Sugars, organic acids, minerals and lipids in jabuticaba Rev. Bras. Frutic.
Lima,Annete de Jesus Boari; Corrêa,Angelita Duarte; Dantas-Barros,Ana Maria; Nelson,David Lee; Amorim,Ana Carolina Lourenço.
The aim of this work was to determine the sugar, organic acid and mineral compositions of the whole fruit and fractions (skin, pulp and seed) of the Paulista (Plinia cauliflora) and Sabará (Plinia jaboticaba) jabuticaba tree genotypes, as well as the oil compositions of their skin and seeds. High levels of sugar, especially fructose, followed by glucose and sucrose, were encountered in the fruit. In the Paulista genotype, higher levels of total and reducing sugars were found in the pulp and skin, which was not observed when comparing the whole fruit of both genotypes. Five organic acids were found in the whole fruit and in the fractions of the two jabuticaba genotypes in quantitative order: citric acid > succinic acid > malic acid > oxalic acid...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Plinia cauliflora; Plinia jaboticaba; Chemical constituents.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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