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Modeling catch-quota management in a multi-species fishery 5
Thebaud, Olivier; Gourguet, Sophie; Lelong, Pierre; Doyen, Luc; Little, Rich; Smith, Tony; Pascoe, Sean.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Multiple management objectives within a mixed prawn fishery : which win-win-win situations? 5
Gourguet, Sophie; Thebaud, Olivier; Jennings, Sarah; Little, Rich; Dichmont, Cathy; Pascoe, Sean; Doyen, Luc.
Fisheries management must address multiple, often conflicting objectives in a highly uncertain context. While the bio-economic performance of trawl fisheries faces high levels of biological and economic uncertainty, the impact of trawling on broader biodiversity is also a major concern for their management. The purpose of this study is to propose a model-based framework to formally assess the trade-offs associated with balancing biological, economic and non-target species conservation objectives in a mixed fishery. This framework is applied to the Australian Northern Prawn Fishery (NPF). We apply a stochastic co-viability framework of analysis to a multi-species bio-economic model of the NPF considering multiple management objectives. In particular, we...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Science, partnership and decision support processes in fisheries: sharing experiences and practices and identifying Lessons learnt from an interdisciplinary perspective 5
Macher, Claire; Bailly, Denis; Ballesteros, Marta; Bertignac, Michel; Collocas, Francesco; Fitzpatrick, Mike; Frangoudes, Katia; Garcia, Dorleta; Kraan, Marloes; Little, Rich; Mardle, Simon; Murillas, Arantza; Pawlowski, Lionel; Philippe, Manuelle; Prellezo, Raul; Sabatella, Evelina; Steins, Nathalie; Thebaud, Olivier; Ulrich, Clara.
Implementation of Ecosystem Based Management in fisheries has led to higher integration of knowledge in  advices  and  higher  engagement  of  stakeholders  in  the  decision  support  Process.  As  part  of  the process,  fisheries scientists contribute  in different ways and at different levels to decision support and experienced partnership approaches in the context of research projects or institutional decision support. Role of scientists in  the process is however  not trivial to define and operationalize. Several pitfalls can occur   that   scientists   may   have   experienced   through   partnership   projects   or   in   the   expert assessments done for authorities. A workshop  was organized from 15 to 17 January 2018  as part of  the ScipaDe ...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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