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Health Risk Analysis of Heating Fuel Choice: Case Study in Kentucky AgEcon
Liu, Zheng.
Replaced with revised version of paper 02/03/09.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Combustion-generated pollutants; Indoor air pollution; Heating fuel choice; Health risk; Environmental Economics and Policy; Health Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Health Risk of Heating Fuel Choice: A Simultaneity Causality Analysis AgEcon
Liu, Zheng; Pagoulatos, Angelos; Hu, Wuyang.
Combustion-generated pollutants, principally those from solid-fuels including biomass and coal when cooking and heating, bring out a significant public health hazard in both developed and developing countries. Most of the existing studies addressing this issue focus on developing countries, and on exposure when cooking rather than heating. By using Kentucky rural data, this research explores the health risk associated with heating fuel choice. Given the simultaneity between heating fuel choice and prevalence of asthma and allergy, we obtain the instrumental variable (IV) estimate for Logit models through the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). After correcting for simultaneity bias, we do not find strong evidence supporting the causal relationship between...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Combustion-generated pollutants; Indoor air pollution; Heating fuel choice; Health risk; GMM-IV Estimation; Environmental Economics and Policy; Health Economics and Policy; Q53; I18.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Nonpoint Source Abatement Costs in the Kentucky River Watershed AgEcon
Liu, Zheng; Schieffer, Jack; Hu, Wuyang; Pagoulatos, Angelos.
A growing share of water pollution in the U.S. can be attributed to nonpoint sources (USEPA 2002). Some of this trend can be attributed to declining point source (PS) emissions as a result of regulation under the Clean Water Act (CWA). However, fertilizer-intensive practices used to improve agricultural productivity over recent decades have also increased nitrate loads and resulted in water quality impairments. Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution from agricultural practices is generally exempt from federal regulation. However, some voluntary programs allow point sources subject to the CWA’s effluent limitations to meet their standards by purchasing offset credits reflecting reductions in NPS discharges to the same waters (USEPA 2004). Such water quality...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The Supply of Private Acreage for Public Recreational Use in Southern and Central Appalachia AgEcon
Liu, Zheng; Pagoulatos, Angelos; Hu, Wuyang; Fleming, Ronald A..
Public lands in Southern and Central Appalachia (SCA) available for outdoor recreational pursuits are limited relative to the rest of the county. This study identifies factors that encourage private land owners to permit public access to their land for recreational purposes and determines how much acreage would be offered in the Southern and Central Appalachia region. The Tobit and Heckman’s sample selection models suggest that the probability of offering land to the public is correlated with the number of acres offered. Having acreage suited for recreation is a positive determinant of acres leased but attributes developed by the landowner act as a disincentive. Type of recreational activity has no effect on the landowner’s decision and the supply of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Private land lease; Recreational activities; Tobit model; Heckman’s sample selection model; Public recreational use; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q24; Q26.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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