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Anthropogenic carbon distributions in the Atlantic Ocean: data-based estimates from the Arctic to the Antarctic ArchiMer
Vazquez-rodriguez, M.; Touratier, F.; Lo Monaco, C.; Waugh, D. W.; Padin, X. A.; Bellerby, R. G. J.; Goyet, C.; Metzl, N.; Rios, A.f.; Perez, F.f..
Five of the most recent observational methods to estimate anthropogenic CO2 (Cant) are applied to a high-quality dataset from five representative sections of the Atlantic Ocean extending from the Arctic to the Antarctic. Between latitudes 60° N–40° S all methods give similar spatial distributions and magnitude of Cant. Conversely, large discrepancies are found in the Southern Ocean and Nordic Seas. The differences in the Southern Ocean have a significant impact on the anthropogenic carbon inventories. The calculated total inventories of Cant for the Atlantic referred to 1994 range from 48 to 67 Pg (1015 g) of carbon, with an average of 54±8 Pg C, which is higher than previous estimates. These results, both the detailed Cant distributions and extrapolated...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep equatorial atlantic; Northern indian-ocean; Water mass ages; CO2; Sea; Transport; Increase; Tracers; Models.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Assessing the internal consistency of the CARINA data base in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean ArchiMer
Sabine, C. L.; Hoppema, M.; Key, R. M.; Tilbrook, B.; Van Heuven, S.; Lo Monaco, C.; Metzl, N.; Ishii, M.; Murata, A.; Musielewicz, S..
The CARINA project is aimed at gathering and providing secondary quality control checks on carbon and carbon-relevant hydrographic and geochemical data from cruises all across the Atlantic, Arctic and Southern Ocean. In total the project gathered 188 cruises that were not previously available to the public. Of these 188 cruises, 37 are part of the Southern Ocean. Parameters from the Southern Ocean cruises, including total carbon dioxide (TCO2), total alkalinity, oxygen, nitrate, phosphate and silicate, were examined for cruise-to-cruise consistency. pH and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are also part of the data base, but are not discussed here. This paper focuses on the quality control of the Southern Ocean data from the Pacific sector which consisted of 29...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Assessing the internal consistency of the CARINA data base in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean ArchiMer
Sabine, C. L.; Hoppema, M.; Key, R. M.; Tilbrook, B.; Van Heuven, S.; Lo Monaco, C.; Metzl, N.; Ishii, M.; Murata, A.; Musielewicz, S..
The CARINA project is aimed at gathering and providing secondary quality control checks on carbon and carbon-relevant hydrographic and geochemical data from cruises all across the Atlantic, Arctic and Southern Ocean. In total the project gathered 188 cruises that were not previously available to the public. Of these 188 cruises, 37 are part of the Southern Ocean. Parameters from the Southern Ocean cruises, including total carbon dioxide (TCO2), total alkalinity, oxygen, nitrate, phosphate and silicate, were examined for cruise-to-cruise consistency. pH and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are also part of the data base, but are not discussed here. This paper focuses on the quality control of the Southern Ocean data from the Pacific sector which consisted of 29...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Assessing the internal consistency of the CARINA database in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean ArchiMer
Lo Monaco, C.; Álvarez, M.; Key, R. M.; Lin, X.; Tanhua, T.; Tilbrook, B.; Bakker, D. C. E.; Van Heuven, S.; Hoppema, M.; Metzl, N.; Ríos, A. F.; Sabine, C. L.; Velo, A..
Carbon and carbon-relevant hydrographic and hydrochemical ancillary data from previously not publicly available cruises were retrieved and recently merged to a new data base, CARINA. The initial North Atlantic project, an international effort for ocean carbon synthesis, was extended to include the Arctic Mediterranean Seas (Arctic Ocean and Nordic Seas) and all three sectors of the Southern Ocean. From a total of 188 cruises, 37 cruises are part of the Southern Ocean. The present work focuses on data collected in the Indian sector (20° S–70° S; 30° E–150° E). The Southern Indian Ocean dataset covers the period 1992–2004 and includes seasonal repeated observations. Parameters including dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2), total alkalinity (TA), oxygen,...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Assessing the internal consistency of the CARINA database in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean ArchiMer
Lo Monaco, C.; Álvarez, M.; Key, R. M.; Lin, X.; Tanhua, T.; Tilbrook, B.; Bakker, D. C. E.; Van Heuven, S.; Hoppema, M.; Metzl, N.; Ríos, A. F.; Sabine, C. L.; Velo, A..
Carbon and carbon-relevant hydrographic and hydrochemical ancillary data from previously not publicly available cruises were retrieved and recently merged to a new data base, CARINA (CARbon IN the Atlantic). The initial North Atlantic project, an international effort for ocean carbon synthesis, was extended to include the Arctic Mediterranean Seas (Arctic Ocean and Nordic Seas) and all three sectors of the Southern Ocean. Of a total of 188 cruises, 37 cruises are part of the Southern Ocean. The present work focuses on data collected in the Indian sector (20° S–70° S; 30° E–150° E). The Southern Indian Ocean dataset covers the period 1992–2004 and includes seasonal repeated observations. Parameters including salinity, dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2),...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Consistency of cruise data of the CARINA database in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean ArchiMer
Hoppema, M.; Velo, A.; Van Heuven, S.; Tanhua, T.; Key, R. M.; Lin, X.; Bakker, D. C. E.; Perez, F. F.; Ríos, A. F.; Lo Monaco, C.; Sabine, C. L.; Álvarez, M.; Bellerby, R. G. J..
Initially a North Atlantic project, the CARINA carbon synthesis was extended to include the Southern Ocean. Carbon and relevant hydrographic and geochemical ancillary data from cruises all across the Arctic Mediterranean Seas, Atlantic and Southern Ocean were released to the public and merged into a new database as part of the CARINA synthesis effort. Of a total of 188 cruises, 37 cruises are part of the Southern Ocean, including 11 from the Atlantic sector. The variables from all Southern Ocean cruises, including dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2), total alkalinity, oxygen, nitrate, phosphate and silicate, were examined for cruiseto- cruise consistency in one collective effort. Seawater pH and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are also part of the database, but...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Decadal biogeochemical changes in the subtropical Indian Ocean associated with Subantarctic Mode Water ArchiMer
Alvarez, M.; Tanhua, T.; Brix, H.; Lo Monaco, C.; Metzl, N.; Mcdonagh, E. L.; Bryden, H. L..
Within the Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW) density level, we study temporal changes in salinity, nutrients, oxygen and TTD (Transit Time Distribution) ages in the western (W) and eastern (E) subtropical gyre of the Indian Ocean (IO) from 1987 to 2002. Additionally, changes in Total Alkalinity (TA) and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) are evaluated between 1995 and 2002. The mechanisms behind the detected changes are discussed along with the results from a hindcast model run (Community Climate System Model). The increasing salinity and decreasing oxygen trends from 1960 to 1987 reversed from 1987 to 2002 along the gyre. In the W-IO a decreasing trend in TTD ages points to a faster delivery of SAMW, thus less biogenic matter remineralization, explaining the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Indian Ocean; Subantarctic Mode Water; Biogeochemistry.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Estimating the storage of anthropogenic carbon in the subtropical Indian Ocean: a comparison of five different approaches ArchiMer
Alvarez, M.; Lo Monaco, C.; Tanhua, T.; Yool, A.; Oschlies, A.; Bullister, J. L.; Goyet, C.; Metzl, N.; Touratier, F.; Mcdonagh, E.; Bryden, H. L..
The subtropical Indian Ocean along 32° S was for the first time simultaneously sampled in 2002 for inorganic carbon and transient tracers. The vertical distribution and inventory of anthropogenic carbon (CANT) from five different methods: four data-base methods (ΔC*, TrOCA, TTD and C0IPSL and a simulation from the OCCAM model are compared and discussed along with the observed CFC-12 and CCl4 distributions. In the surface layer, where carbon-based methods are uncertain, TTD and OCCAM yield the same result (7±0.2 mol C m−2), helping to specify the surface CANT inventory. Below the mixed-layer, the comparison suggests that CANT penetrates deeper and more uniformly into the Antarctic Intermediate Water layer limit than estimated from the ΔC* method....
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Estimating the storage of anthropogenic carbon in the subtropical Indian Ocean: a comparison of five different approaches ArchiMer
Alvarez, M.; Lo Monaco, C.; Tanhua, T.; Yool, A.; Oschlies, A.; Bullister, J. L.; Goyet, C.; Metzl, N.; Touratier, F.; Mcdonagh, E.; Bryden, H. L..
The subtropical Indian Ocean along 32 degrees S was for the first time simultaneously sampled in 2002 for inorganic carbon and transient tracers. The vertical distribution and inventory of anthropogenic carbon (CANT) from five different methods: four data-base methods (Delta C*, TrOCA, TTD and IPSL) and a simulation from the OCCAM model are compared and discussed along with the observed CFC-12 and CCl4 distributions. In the surface layer, where carbon-based methods are uncertain, TTD and OCCAM yield the same result (7 +/- 0.2 molC m(-2)), helping to specify the surface CANT inventory. Below the mixed-layer, the comparison suggests that CANT penetrates deeper and more uniformly into the Antarctic Intermediate Water layer limit than estimated from the much...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Rapid establishment of the CO2 sink associated with Kerguelen's bloom observed during the KEOPS2/OISO20 cruise ArchiMer
Lo Monaco, C.; Metzl, N.; D'Ovidio, F.; Llort, J.; Ridame, C..
Iron and light are the main factors limiting the biological pump of CO2 in the Southern Ocean. Iron fertilization experiments have demonstrated the potential for increased uptake of atmospheric CO2, but little is known about the evolution of fertilized environnements. This paper presents observations collected in one of the largest phytoplankton bloom of the Southern Ocean sustained by iron originating from the Kerguelen Plateau. We first complement previous studies by investigating the mechanisms that control air–sea CO2 fluxes over and downstream of the Kerguelen Plateau at the onset of the bloom based on measurements obtained in October–November 2011. These new observations show the rapid establishment of a strong CO2 sink in waters fertilized with iron...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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