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A Scientific Review of the Impact of UK Ruminant Livestock on Greenhouse Gas Emissions AgEcon
Hopkins, Alan; Lobley, Matt.
Climate change is a subject of global environmental concern. The UK has seen a progressive strengthening of political resolve to address the problems associated with emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), principally carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Although agriculture globally, and ruminant livestock production in particular, is a net contributor to GHG emissions, generalizations about impacts on climate change often fail to distinguish between different systems of production, advances in technology, and the role of extensive grazing lands in contributing to ecological services and food production in situations where other forms of farming are impractical. Against this background, the overall aim of this review was therefore to...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Climate Change; Ruminant Livestock; Greenhouse Gases; UK; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Analysis of socio-economic aspects of local and national organic farming markets; final report for Defra AgEcon
Lobley, Matt; Butler, Allan J.; Courtney, Paul; Ilbery, Brian; Kirwan, James; Maye, Damian; Potter, Clive; Winter, Michael.
The purpose of this study was to take a fresh look at the nature of organic production, consumption and marketing in England and Wales in order to better assess its current and likely contribution to rural development and its ability to meet consumer expectations. Based on a mixed methodological approach the study consulted with 2,300 individuals to reveal a complex and multi-dimensional sector with a highly committed consumer base. The research aimed to describe and account for: (1)The socio-economic impacts of the organic farm supply chains on rural development; (2)The extent to which organic food delivers consumer expectations; and (3) The barriers affecting conversion to organic farming and expansion of existing organic farms. The research reported...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Organic markets; Organic farming; Organic consumers; Rural Economy; Multiplier Analysis; Simple Value Chains; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Farm Management; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Marketing.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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"Born out of Crisis": an analysis of moorland management agreements on Exmoor; final report AgEcon
Lobley, Matt; Turner, Martin M.; MacQueen, Greg; Wakefield, Dawn.
The designation of Exmoor National Park in 1954 recognised the importance of the open character of much of the area and, in particular, its moorland to that natural heritage of the UK. However, the moorland that the park was charged with maintaining and enhancing was soon under threat and the following years saw extensive moorland loss and the fragmentation of remaining moorland (Lowe et al, 1986). The ensuing moorland conflict and debate eventually lead Exmoor NPA, in collaboration with farmers, land owners, the CLA and NFU to pioneer a new system of moorland management agreements. Indeed, for a short time, Exmoor was the only location operating wholly voluntary management agreements (Brotherton, 1990). Only two agreements now remain and in the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Economic Impact Assessment of Bovine Tuberculosis in the South West of England AgEcon
Butler, Allan J.; Lobley, Matt; Winter, Michael.
Bovine TB (bTB) presents a significant challenge to beef and dairy farmers. In 2009 7,449 herds were subject to movement restrictions in Great Britain because of bTB. Of these, 52% were in South West England and 20% were in Devon alone. With over 25% of holdings with cattle in the South West likely to suffer a bTB breakdown within the course of a year, understanding the cost implications on farm businesses is vital in order to demonstrate the impact that this disease is having on agricultural communities and the agricultural economy. The research undertaken for this report has revealed considerable variation across a range of different types of costs associated with bTB. Consequently average figures, either for costs or calculating compensation, obscure...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Bovine Tuberculosis; Costs; Beef farmers; Dairy farmers; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The Impact of Organic Farming on the Rural Economy in England AgEcon
Lobley, Matt; Reed, Matthew J.; Butler, Allan J..
This research report seeks to explore the hypothesis that organic farming provides an additional benefit to the rural economy over and above that of conventional agriculture, defined for the purposes of this project as "non-organic". The approach adopted involved tracing the socio-economic footprint of a range of farm business types. The concept of the socio-economic footprint represents a development of earlier research (Errington and Courtney 2000) tracing the economic footprints of small towns. In contrast to conventional economic analysis, the research focused on examining the socio-economic linkages associated with different types of farming such as sales and purchasing patterns but also evidence of social connectivity and embeddedness.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Community/Rural/Urban Development; Farm Management.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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The Wider Social Impacts of Changes in the Structure of Agricultural Businesses AgEcon
Lobley, Matt; Potter, Clive; Butler, Allan J.; Whitehead, Ian; Millard, Nick.
Agricultural restructuring is not a new phenomenon. Indeed, recent decades have seen substantial changes, not only to the number and types of farmers and farm businesses, but also to ownership structures and to the relationship between land holding and management control. The Department of Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra), together with the UK Countryside Agencies, has commissioned a body of research in recent years which, taken together, offer important insights into the nature, speed and extent of restructuring in the UK and of the potential for further, accelerated change in the years to come. From this body of work it is clear that a prolonged and difficult process of disengagement from agriculture as a mainstream income source is beginning...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agribusiness; Industrial Organization.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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