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Découverte de la surface d’érosion messinienne onshore/offshore dans deux lieux clés : le Promontoire Baléares (Ibiza) et la marge est-sarde (Orosei) 5
Maillard, Agnès; Gaullier, Virginie; Lézin, Carine; Chanier, Frank; Odonne, Francis; Lofi, Johanna.
As the Messinian sea-level draw down associated with the Messinian Salinity Crisis is still questioned, we propose to show that the widely spread erosion surface affecting the Mediterranean margins is indeed linked to an exondation demonstrated from offshore and onshore data. Our study presents a comprehensive onshore to offshore correlation of the Messinian erosional surface. It is focused on small drainage systems or interfluve areas, outside of evaporite basins or incised canyons, where the Messinian erosion had not yet been studied previously: around Ibiza on the Balearic Promontory and around Orosei on the Eastern Sardinian margin, Tyrrhenian Basin, both areas where new offshore data were recently acquired. We show that the late Messinian erosion...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crise de salinité messinienne; Méditerranée nord-occidentale; Surface d' Érosion; Ibiza; Marge est-sarde; Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC); Northwestern Mediterranean; Erosion surface; Ibiza; Eastern Sardinian margin.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Erosional processes and paleo-environmental changes in the Western Gulf of Lions (SW France) during the Messinian Salinity Crisis 5
Lofi, Johanna; Gorini, Christian; Berne, Serge; Clauzon, Georges; Dos Reis, A.tadeu; Ryan, William; Steckler, Michael.
Current interpretation of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) involves partial "clesiccation" of the Mediterranean Sea coupled with the deposition of thick evaporites in the deep basins. New sets of seismic reflection profiles in the western part of the Gulf of Lions confirm the basinward extension of the Messinian erosion and enable the mapping of distinctive seismic markers indicating the Messinian Erosional Surface (or Messinian unconformity), the basin-margin detrital deposits, and the deep evaporite sequence. The geometrical relationship between these three elements and their relationship to the paleogeography of the margin during the MSC provide new information about the evolution of the study area during the Messinian. The Messinian Erosional...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fluvial erosion; Eustasy; Tectonism; Detrital deposits; Erosional surface; Messinian Salinity Crisis; Gulf of Lions.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Facies architecture of Miocene subaqueous clinothems of the New Jersey passive margin: Results from IODP-ICDP Expedition 313 5
Proust, Jean-noel; Pouderoux, Hugo; Ando, Hisao; Hesselbo, Stephen P.; Hodgson, David M.; Lofi, Johanna; Rabineau, Marina; Sugarman, Peter J..
Understanding the history, causes, and impact of sea-level changes is a challenge for our societies that face accelerated global sea-level rise. In this context, improvement of our knowledge of sea-level changes and shoreline migration at geological time scales is critical. The preserved, laterally correlative sedimentary record of continental erosion on passive margins has been used to reconstruct past sea level. However, the detailed nature of a basic clinothem progradational pattern observed on many of these margins is still poorly known. This paper describes the sedimentary facies and interprets the depositional environments and the architecture of the clinothems of the New Jersey shelf (offshore northeastern USA) to depict the origin and controls of...
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Ano: 2018 URL:
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High-resolution and high-precision correlation of dark and light layers in the Quaternary hemipelagic sediments of the Japan Sea recovered during IODP Expedition 346 5
Tada, Ryuji; Irino, Tomohisa; Ikehara, Ken; Karasuda, Akinori; Sugisaki, Saiko; Xuan, Chuang; Sagawa, Takuya; Itaki, Takuya; Kubota, Yoshimi; Lu, Song; Seki, Arisa; Murray, Richard W.; Alvarez-zarikian, Carlos; Anderson, William T., Jr.; Bassetti, Maria-angela; Brace, Bobbi J.; Clemens, Steven C.; Da Costa Gurgel, Marcio H.; Dickens, Gerald R.; Dunlea, Ann G.; Gallagher, Stephen J; Giosan, Liviu; Henderson, Andrew C. G.; Holbourn, Ann E.; Kinsley, Christopher W.; Lee, Gwang Soo; Lee, Kyung Eun; Lofi, Johanna; Lopes, Christina I. C. D.; Saavedra-pellitero, Mariem; Peterson, Larry C.; Singh, Raj K.; Toucanne, Samuel; Wan, Shiming; Zheng, Hongbo; Ziegler, Martin.
The Quaternary hemipelagic sediments of the Japan Sea are characterized by centimeter-to decimeter-scale alternation of dark and light clay to silty clay, which are bio-siliceous and/or bio-calcareous to a various degree. Each of the dark and light layers are considered as deposited synchronously throughout the deeper (> 500 m) part of the sea. However, attempts for correlation and age estimation of individual layers are limited to the upper few tens of meters. In addition, the exact timing of the depositional onset of these dark and light layers and its synchronicity throughout the deeper part of the sea have not been explored previously, although the onset timing was roughly estimated as similar to 1.5 Ma based on the result of Ocean Drilling Program...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Quaternary sediments; Japan Sea; Inter-site correlation; High-resolution age model; IODP; Expedition 346; U1424; U1425; U1426; U1430.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Plio-Quaternary prograding clinoform wedges of the western Gulf of Lion continental margin (NW Mediterranean) after the Messinian Salinity Crisis 5
Lofi, Johanna; Rabineau, Marina; Gorini, Christian; Berne, Serge; Clauzon, Georges; De Clarens, Philippe; Dos Reis, Tadeu; Mountain, Gregory; Ryan, William; Steckler, Michael; Fouchet, Christine.
In contrast to the much-studied onshore and deep offshore post-Messinian sedimentary history of the Gulf of Lion, the continental shelf had been poorly explored until recently. New seismic data, acquired by ELF Oil Company on the Languedoc-Roussillon shelf (Western Mediterranean Sea), from Cap Creus in the SW to Cap d'Agde in the NE, together with data from previously drilled exploratory wells, allow us to propose a scenario for margin reconstruction following the Messinian Salinity Crisis. The seismic data display a complex pattern of prograding clinoforms and buried submarine canyons. Following the crisis that eroded the previous margin, clinoforms developed as the new Pliocene margin prograded. Three major periods characterize the evolution of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Plio Quaternary; Messinian Salinity Crisis; Submarine canyon; Progradation; Clinoform; Gulf of Lion margin; Mediterranean Sea.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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