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Molecular fossil evidence for anaerobic ammonium oxidation in the Arabian Sea over the last glacial cycle ArchiMer
Jaeschke, Andrea; Ziegler, Martin; Hopmans, Ellen C.; Reichart, Gert-jan; Lourens, Lucas J.; Schouten, Stefan; Damste, Jaap S. Sinninghe.
Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) has been recognized as an important process converting fixed nitrogen to N(2) in many marine environments, thereby having a major impact on the present-day marine nitrogen cycle. However, essentially nothing is known about the importance of anammox in past marine nitrogen cycles. In this study, we analyzed the distribution of fossil ladderane lipids, derived from bacteria performing anammox, in a sediment core from the northern Arabian Sea. Concentrations of ladderane lipids varied between 0.3 and 5.3 ng g(-1) sediment during the past 140 ka, with high values observed during the Holocene, intervals during the last glacial, and during the penultimate interglacial. Maxima in ladderane lipid abundances correlate with...
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Ano: 2009 URL:
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Monsoonal Forcing of European Ice-Sheet Dynamics During the Late Quaternary ArchiMer
Kaboth-bahr, Stefanie; Bahr, Andre; Zeeden, Christian; Toucanne, Samuel; Eynaud, Frederique; Jimenez-espejo, Francisco; Rohl, Ursula; Friedrich, Oliver; Pross, Joerg; Lowemark, Ludvig; Lourens, Lucas J..
The dynamics of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets during Late Quaternary glacials have yet been dominantly examined from a Laurentide Ice Sheet perspective, which helped shaping the idea of moisture-starved glacials and small-scale ice volume variability. However, the waxing and waning of the European Ice Sheet (EIS) casts doubt on this perception. Understanding EIS dynamics under glacial boundary conditions is crucial because its meltwater pulses influence global climate by weakening deepwater formation in the North Atlantic Ocean. Here we show that the advection of subtropical water toward the continental margin of western Europe lead to enhanced moisture availability on the continent and fueled the growth of EIS lobes during glacials. This warm-water...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mediterranean Outflow variability; European Ice Sheet dynamics; Marine‐terrestrial feedback in the Euro‐Mediterranean realm; Glacial climate variability; Low‐latitude forcing of high‐latitude glaciations.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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New insights into upper MOW variability over the last 150 kyr from IODP 339 Site U1386 in the Gulf of Cadiz ArchiMer
Kaboth, Stefanie; Bahr, Andre; Reichart, Gert-jan; Jacobs, Bram; Lourens, Lucas J..
The upper Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) paleo-oceanographic history in the Gulf of Cadiz is poorly constrained due to the lack of high-resolution records that pre-date the last glaciation. Existing proxy records concentrate on MOW variability along the middle slope of the Gulf of Cadiz. Here we present a continuous high-resolution benthic foraminifera delta O-18 record from the upper MOW core at IODP Expedition 339 Site U1386 in the Gulf of Cadiz of the past 150,000 years. Based on delta O-18, grain-size and Zr/AI variability comparison of our results with existing Mediterranean Sea (MD01-2472, MD95-2043), open ocean (LR04) and Gulf of Cadiz (MD99-2339) records we have gathered new insights into the evolution of the upper MOW core on glacial...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mediterranean outflow; Glacial-interglacial variability; Sapropel; Heinrich events; Gulf of Cadiz.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Precession phasing offset between Indian summer monsoon and Arabian Sea productivity linked to changes in Atlantic overturning circulation ArchiMer
Ziegler, Martin; Lourens, Lucas J.; Tuenter, Erik; Hilgen, Frits; Reichart, Gert-jan; Weber, Nanne.
Results from transient climate modeling experiments indicate an in-phase relationship between insolation forcing and Indian summer monsoonal precipitation. This is in contrast to high-resolution radioisotopically dated speleothem oxygen isotope (delta O-18) records of China, which showed that East Asian Monsoon maxima lag Northern Hemisphere peak summer insolation by similar to 2,700 years, while an approximately 8,000-year time lag was derived from late Pleistocene records of Arabian Sea sediments. Here, we evaluate the precession phase of the Arabian Sea signal by comparing a new high-resolution productivity and oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) intensity record from the Arabian Sea over the past 450,000 years with the results of a transient climate modeling...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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