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An Intercomparison Study of the Germanium Isotope Composition of Geological Reference Materials ArchiMer
Escoube, Raphalle; Rouxel, Olivier; Luais, Beatrice; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Donard, Olivier F. X..
Recent analytical developments in germanium stable isotope determination by multicollector ICP-MS have provided new perspectives for the use of Ge isotopes as geochemical tracers. Here, we report the germanium isotope composition of the NIST SRM 3120a elemental reference solution that has been calibrated relative to internal isotopic standard solutions used in the previous studies. We also intercalibrate several geological reference materials as well as geological and meteoritic samples using different techniques, including online hydride generation and a spray chamber for sample introduction to MC-ICP-MS, and different approaches for mass bias corrections such as samplecalibrator bracketing, external mass bias correction using Ga isotopes and double-spike...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Germanium; Isotope; Intercalibration; Reference materials; Germanium; Isotope; Intercalibration; Materiaux de reference.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Germanium Isotope Geochemistry ArchiMer
Rouxel, Olivier; Luais, Beatrice.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2017 URL:
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