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Effects of glutamine on performance and intestinal mucosa morphometry of broiler chickens vaccinated against coccidiosis Scientia Agricola
Luquetti,Brenda Carla; Alarcon,Miguel Frederico Fernandez; Lunedo,Raquel; Campos,Daniel Mendes Borges; Furlan,Renato Luís; Macari,Marcos.
ABSTRACT This study aimed to assess the effects of glutamine as feed additive on performance and intestinal mucosa morphometry of broiler chickens vaccinated against coccidiosis. A total of 400 day-old male chicks were randomly assigned to four treatments (NVNG – no vaccination, no glutamine supplementation; NVG – no vaccination, glutamine supplementation (10 g kg−1); VNG – vaccination, no glutamine supplementation; VG – vaccination, glutamine supplementation) replicated four times with 25 birds per replicate. A commercial sprayed-on vaccine against coccidiosis containing Eimeria acervulina, E. maxima, E. mivati, and E. tenella was administered at the hatchery. Broiler performance was evaluated from 1-28 days, and morphometric parameters were analyzed at...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anticoccidial vaccines; Intestinal ephitelium; Gut morphometry; Glutamine supplementation; Small intestine.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Empirical models to predict feed intake of growing-finishing pigs reared under high environmental temperatures Scientia Agricola
Perondi,Dani; Kipper,Marcos; Andretta,Ines; Hauschild,Luciano; Lunedo,Raquel; Franceschina,Carolina Schell; Remus,Aline.
ABSTRACT Several empirical models were proposed to predict feed intake (FI) of growingfinishing pigs reared under high environmental temperatures. However, these models have not been evaluated under conditions different from those in which they were developed. Twelve empirical models were evaluated using a database built after systematic literature review (observed data: 28 studies in which the FI was evaluated in pigs under high environmental temperatures). Model accuracy was assessed using the mean squared of prediction error (MSPE). Analyses were performed considering two scenarios: (1) general population, where all observed data were used in the simulation; (2) reference population, where data were filtered in order to simulate only scenarios with...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Consumption; Heat stress; Modelling; Precision feeding; Swine.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Production and body composition traits of broilers in relation to breast weight evaluated by path analysis Scientia Agricola
Lorentz,Leandro Homrich; Gaya,Leila de Genova; Lunedo,Raquel; Ferraz,José Bento Sterman; Rezende,Fernanda Marcondes de; Michelan Filho,Tércio.
Breast weight has great economic importance in poultry industry, and may be associated with other variables. This work aimed to estimate phenotypic correlations between performance (live body weight at 7 and 28 days, and at slaughter, and depth of the breast muscle measured by ultrasonography), carcass (eviscerated body weight and leg weight) and body composition (heart, liver and abdominal fat weight) traits in a broiler line, and quantify the direct and indirect influence of these traits on breast weight. Path analysis was used by expanding the matrix of partial correlation in coefficients which give the direct influence of one trait on another, regardless the effect of the other traits. The simultaneous maintenance of live body weight at slaughter and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal breeding; Multivariate analysis; Phenotypic correlation; Poultry; Pre-selection.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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