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An Analysis of Global Timber Markets AgEcon
Sohngen, Brent; Mendelsohn, Robert; Sedjo, Roger A.; Lyon, Kenneth S..
This paper presents a model of global timber markets that captures the evolution of a broad array of forest resources and timber market margins over time. These margins include the inaccessible northern and tropical margins, plantation establishment, and timberland management. A baseline case is presented and discussed. Five alternative scenarios are then presented. These scenarios allow us to consider several important questions about timber market behavior and the future supply of industrial fiber: (1) What happens along the northern and the tropical inaccessible margins? (2) What role do timber plantations play? and (3) How do shifts in management intensity interact with market forces? The baseline case suggests that both prices and harvests rise over...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Global timber markets; Forest plantations; Model; Forecast; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q10; Q21; Q23; Q24.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Analyzing the Economic Impact of Climate Change on Global Timber Markets AgEcon
Sohngen, Brent; Sedjo, Roger A.; Mendelsohn, Robert; Lyon, Kenneth S..
In this paper, we show how ecological and economic models can be linked to determine the economic impact of climate change on global timber markets. We begin by discussing some of the important issues relevant to global impact analyses such as this. We then outline our general modeling framework and discuss the particular models that will be used. Finally, we discuss some of the important issues involved with linking the two types of models.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Climate change; Economic model; Timber; Timber market; Dynamic; Optimal control; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q10; Q23; Q24.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Lyon, Kenneth S..
There is general agreement that global warming is occurring and that the main contributor to this probably is the buildup of green house gases, GHG, in the atmosphere. Two main contributors are the utilization of fossil fuels and the deforestation of many regions of the world. This paper examines a number of current issues related to mitigating the global warming problem through forestry. We use discrete time optimal control to model a simplified carbon cycle. The burning of fossil fuels increases atmospheric carbon while the burning of fuel-wood along with its forest source maintain an atmospheric carbon level. The standing timber in the forests is a carbon sink, as are wood buildings and structures, and fossil fuel in the ground. Through time the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Timber Supply Model 96: A Global Timber Supply Model with a Pulpwood Component AgEcon
Sedjo, Roger A.; Lyon, Kenneth S..
This study involves an update of our earlier Timber Supply Model, which was fully developed in our book, The Adequacy Of Global Timber Supply by Sedjo and Lyon (1990), published by Resources for the Future. The new version, called Timber Supply Model 1996 (TSM96), uses an economic market supply/demand approach to project an intertemporal time path of the world's price and output level of industrial wood. As did the original TSM, the TSM96 provides projections of the time path of the equilibrium output levels of the several regions into which the world has been subdivided. A major new feature of TSM96 is that industrial wood, treated as homogeneous in the earlier study, has be subdivided into two different wood types -- pulpwood and solidwood. The supply of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Timber models; Markets; Optimal control; Projections; Timber supply; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; C62; Q21; Q23.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Keith, John E.; Lyon, Kenneth S..
Managers of public wildlife resources generally are concerned with enhancing the quality of recreation by increasing wildlife through habitat manipulation. However, current recreation valuation studies have focused upon variables that are inappropriate for use in these management decisions. The economic criterion for these decisions should be the value of a change in the stock of the wildlife population compared to its cost. An estimate of such a value was made for the Oak Creek deer herd in Utah, using a household production function approach in an optimal control framework. The value of an additional deer in the herd was estimated to be approximately $40.00.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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