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Anuran diversity in urban and rural zones of the Itacoatiara municipality, central Amazonia, Brazil Acta Amazonica
MENIN,Marcelo; FERREIRA,Rafaela Fernanda Batista; MELO,Izomar Barbosa; GORDO,Marcelo; HATTORI,Gustavo Yomar; SANT’ANNA,Bruno Sampaio.
ABSTRACT Few studies in the Amazon region have evaluated anuran diversity in urban forest fragments or in areas with differing degrees of anthropogenic impact. We determined the composition and abundance of the anurofauna in urban and rural sites within the municipality of Itacoatiara in central Amazonia, Brazil. Specimens were sampled from January 2012 to May 2013 in 10 urban sites and five rural sites. A total of 1,538 anurans (930 in rural sites and 608 in urban sites) were recorded, belonging to 29 species in five families. Species richness was higher in rural sites, with 10 exclusive species. All species found in urban sites were also found in rural sites, however, species abundance varied considerably between the habitats. Sampling- and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Floodplain forests; Unflooded forest; Rarefaction curves; Species composition; Time-constrained searches.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Effect of environmental parameters on squamate reptiles in an urban forest fragment in central Amazonia Acta Amazonica
ALMEIDA-CORRÊA,Thais; FRAZÃO,Luciana; COSTA,Diogo Magalhães; MENIN,Marcelo; KAEFER,Igor Luis.
ABSTRACT The increasing urbanization of the Amazonian biome has promoted the creation of several forest fragments surrounded by an urban matrix, but the relationship of animal assemblages to the urban environment, especially in forest fragments, is poorly known. Here we aimed to 1) determine the composition of the squamate fauna of the largest urban forest fragment from central Amazonia, in the Brazilian city of Manaus, and 2) evaluate the influence of environmental parameters on assemblage diversity. We sampled 10 standardized riparian plots through visual search in six surveys between 2008/09 and 2015, totaling 360 observer-hours. We found 15 species of lacertoids (lizards and amphisbaenians) and seven species of snakes through active search. After...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amphisbaenians; Edge effect; Lizards; Snakes; Urban ecology.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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