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A histological study on the development of the digestive system of Pseudosciaena crocea larvae and juveniles ArchiMer
Mai, Kangsen; Yu, Hairui; Ma, Hongming; Duan, Qingyuan; Gisbert, Enric; Zambonino, Jose-luis; Cahu, Chantal.
The ontogenetic development of the gut and accessory organs in large yellow croaker Pseudosciaena crocea was investigated using light microscopy from hatching up to the juvenile stage (40 days post hatch, dph). At 3 dph (mean +/- S.D., 4.1 +/- 0.1 mm total length, L-T), coinciding with the buccopharynx opening, larvae started to feed exogenously, and the gut consisted of a well-developed buccopharynx, a partially-differentiated oesophagus and an intestine divided in three regions (anterior intestine, intermediate intestine and rectum). Yolk reserves were not completely depleted at the onset of exogenous feeding, and a period of mixed nutrition was observed up to 6 dph (4.3 +/- 0.1 mm L-T) when yolk was definitively exhausted. Important morphological...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pseudosciaena crocea; Ontogenetic development; Large yellow croaker; Histology; Digestive system.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Activities of selected digestive enzymes during larval development of large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea) ArchiMer
Ma, Hongming; Cahu, Chantal; Zambonino, Jose-luis; Yu, Hairui; Duan, Qingyuan; Le Gall, Marie-madeleine; Mai, Kangsen.
Large yellow croaker is an important marine fish species for aquaculture in China. Larval rearing of this species is still based on live prey feeding. The aim of this study was to describe the onset and development of the main digestive enzymes during larval development of this species, in order to obtain essential data for the formulation of a compound diet adapted to larvae. Enzymatic assays were conducted from day I post hatching to day 40 in larvae fed the following live prey sequence: rotifers, Artemia nauplii, copepods, and then frozen copepods. Assays were done on whole larvae until day 19, then on dissected larvae and on purified brush border membranes of intestine. Pancreatic enzymes, amylase, and trypsin, showed high activities from early stages,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Trypsin; Pseudosciaena crocea; Fish larval development; Amylase; Aminopeptidase N; Alkaline phosphatase.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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