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Contrasting selective patterns across the segmented genome of bluetongue virus in a global reassortment hotspot 5
Jacquot, Maude; Rao, Pavuluri P.; Yadav, Sarita; Nomikou, Kyriaki; Maan, Sushila; Jyothi, Y. Krishna; Reddy, Narasimha; Putty, Kalyani; Hemadri, Divakar; Singh, Karam P.; Maan, Narender Singh; Hegde, Nagendra R.; Mertens, Peter; Biek, Roman.
For segmented viruses, rapid genomic and phenotypic changes can occur through the process of reassortment, whereby co-infecting strains exchange entire segments creating novel progeny virus genotypes. However, for many viruses with segmented genomes, this process and its effect on transmission dynamics remain poorly understood. Here, we assessed the consequences of reassortment for selection on viral diversity through time using bluetongue virus (BTV), a segmented arbovirus that is the causative agent of a major disease of ruminants. We analysed ninety-two BTV genomes isolated across four decades from India, where BTV diversity, and thus opportunities for reassortment, are among the highest in the world. Our results point to frequent reassortment and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bluetongue virus; Evolution; Reassortment; India; Selection.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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