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A Pilot Study of the Mandibular Angle and Ramus in Indian Population International Journal of Morphology
Rai,Rajalakshmi; Ranade,Anu Vinod; Prabhu,Latha Venkatraya; Pai,Mángala M; Madhyastha,Sampath; Kumaran,Mángala.
To evaluate the mandibular angle and to analyze the relationship of the angle and height & breadth of the ramus of the mandible to the gender, so as to study its role in the anthropological diagnosis. The angle, height and breadth of the ramus of adult dry human mandibles of both sexes were measured using a goniometer. The values obtained were analyzed statistically. The present study showed a statistically significant difference in the mandibular angle as well as height of the ramus between both the sexes. The mean mandibular angle of Indian population when compared to that of European population was found to be lower by 9 degrees. The findings of this study might be useful in providing anthropological data that can also be used in dental and...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Mandíbula; Mandibular angle; Ramus of the Mandible; Indian population.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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A Variation of Phrenic Nerve: Case Report and Review International Journal of Morphology
Prakash,; Prabhu,Latha V; Kumar,Jwalaram; Madhyastha,Sampath; Singh,Gajendra.
During routine dissection in the Department of Anatomy following anatomical variations of phrenic nerve were observed on right side in the neck region of a middle aged cadaver. The phrenic nerve in its early course close to its origin was giving a communicating branch to C5 root of brachial plexus and at the level of the root of neck just before entering the thorax, the phrenic nerve was placed anterior to the subclavian vein. This unique case of phrenic nerve variation gains tremendous importance in context of subclavian vein cannulation, implanted venous access portals, and supraclavicular nerve block for regional anesthesia
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Phrenic nerve; Neck; Anatomical variations.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Abnormal Branching of the Axillary Artery: Subscapular Common Trunk. A Case Report International Journal of Morphology
Saralaya,'Vasudha; Joy,Theresa; Madhyastha,Sampath; Vadgaonkar,Rajanigandha; Saralaya,Shruti.
An unusual unilateral variation in the branching pattern of axillary artery was observed in a 60 year oíd female embalmed cadáver. The axillary artery had only two branches arising from its proximal (first) part and no branches from its remaining distal (second & third) parts. The branches are superior thoracic (usual) and another large collateral (unusual) branch. This collateral branch is the origin of several important arteries as the circumflex scapular, thoracodorsal, posterior circumflex humeral, thoraco-acromial and lateral thoracic arteries. We propose to ñame this artery as common subscapular trunk. The course of this collateral artery (common subscapular trunk) and its branches and also clinical significance of this variation are...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Axillary artery; Common subscapular trunk.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Meckel's Diverticulum: A Case Report International Journal of Morphology
Madhyastha,Sampath; Prabhu,Latha V; Saralaya,V; Prakash,.
Meckel's diverticulum is the most prevalent congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract. It might remain completely asymptomatic or may mimic some disorders like Crohn's disease, Appendicitis and peptic ulcer diseases. A Meckel's diverticulum was found during routine dissection. A brief review of this anomaly, its embryological explanation, and probable clinical implications with its management is discussed in this report
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Meckel's diverticulum; Congenital gastrointestinal anomalies; Dissection.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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