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Bilateral Harmonization of EC and U.S. Agricultural Policies AgEcon
Mahe, Louis Adrien Pascal; Tavera, Christophe.
Agricultural policies in both Europe and the United States provide commodities with an excessively high and distorted pattern of support. The economic interdependencies of the policies give rise to adverse fiscal and economic costs, which are viewed as disharmonies in the existing policy measures both within and between the two regions. Unilateral and simultaneous EC and U.S. policy changes are simulated with an international trade model. They are carried in three steps: (1) grains and feeds, (2) beef and dairy, and (3) sugar. Both cross effects and own effects are examined on typical policy targets. Results suggest that while world prices are sometimes drastically altered, the magnitude of cross effects is small and sometimes ambiguous compared to own...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Bringing Agriculture into the GATT: Potential Use of an Aggregate Measure of Support AgEcon
Ballenger, Nicole; McClatchy, Don; de Filippis, Fabrizio; Mercier, Stephanie; Dixit, Praveen M.; Miner, William M.; Guyomard, Herve; Roe, Terry L.; Hertel, Thomas W.; Rossmiller, George Edward; Johnson, Martin; Sharples, Jerry A.; Josling, Timothy E.; Tsigas, Marinos E.; Mahe, Louis Adrien Pascal.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Politically Acceptable Trade Compromises Between The EC and The US: A Game Theory Approach AgEcon
Johnson, Martin; Mahe, Louis Adrien Pascal; Roe, Terry L..
A model is developed to quantify the special status of agriculture in the US and the EC trade negotiations. The role of special interests are measured by a policy goals function (PGF) whose weights are estimated for each special interest group. The analysis searches for mutually acceptable, mutually advantageous trade agreements between the US and the EC using a partial equilibrium world trade model coupled with game theory. Results suggest that it is in the best interest of the US (resp. EC) 'for the EC (resp. US) to liberalize whi1e the other follows the status quo policies of 1986. Mutual gains in PGF values to both countries pursuing "large" liberalizations are unlikely to exist, although "small" liberalizations may give rise to "small" mutual gains....
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Game theory; Trade liberalization; Trade negotiations; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Producer Behaviour Under Strict Rationing and Quai-Fixed Factors AgEcon
Guyomard, Herve; Mahe, Louis Adrien Pascal.
The paper examines the effect of rationing outputs and inputs on producer behaviour. Full representation of the modified supply-demand system after rationing, including shadow prices for the constrained netputs, is derived from the unrestricted profit function before rationing, and vice-versa. Attention is focused on cross-price effects which have been less explored than own-price effects which obey to the Le Chatelier principle. The theoretical framework is applied to the EC agricultural sector in order to analyse the effects of output and input rationing on the production structure of the EC agricultural sector, with emphasis on the impact of the milk quota constraint on unrestricted output supplies and input demands.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Production Economics.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Guyomard, Herve; Mahe, Louis Adrien Pascal; Roe, Terry L.; Tarditi, Secondo.
Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy has entailed the substitution of new income support instruments for the former price based instruments, mainly in the cash crop sector. Our first point is that the domestic political balance was unable to generate such a large change in policy design, in spite of inefficiencies and inbalances. The pressure of the US has been a major factor in the design of the reform. We argue that trade interests have been crucial to catalyze international collective action in order to countervail domestic pressure groups. The pursuit of an agreement in the GATT is therefore a means to place a cap on the CAP and foster some reform and control over sectors such as sugar and dairy in other countries. We do not foresee the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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The GATT Negotiations and US/EC Agricultural Policies Solutions to Noncooperative Games AgEcon
Johnson, Martin; Roe, Terry L.; Mahe, Louis Adrien Pascal.
Countries cooperate in negotiating treaties. However, treaty compliance is noncooperative; signatories comply with treaties only if compliance leaves them better off than noncompliance. US and EC agricultural policies of 1986 are modeled through a noncooperative game. Bilateral treaties, formalizations of Nash Equilibria, are presented which improve US and EC welfare.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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