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Contrasted hydrothermal activity along the South-East Indian Ridge (130°E-140°E): From crustal to ultramafic circulation ArchiMer
Boulart, Cedric; Briais, Anne; Chavagnac, Valerie; Revillon, Sidonie; Ceuleneer, Georges; Donval, Jean-pierre; Guyader, Vivien; Barrere, Fabienne; Ferreira, Nicolas; Hanan, Barry; Hemond, Christophe; Macleod, Sarah; Maia, Marcia; Maillard, Agnes; Merkuryev, Sergey; Park, Sung-hyun; Ruellan, Etienne; Schohn, Alexandre; Watson, Sally; Yang, Yun-seok.
Using a combined approach of seafloor mapping, MAPR and CTD survey, we report evidence for active hydrothermal venting along the 130°-140°E section of the poorly-known South-East Indian Ridge (SEIR) from the Australia-Antarctic Discordance (AAD) to the George V Fracture Zone (FZ). Along the latter, we report Eh and CH4 anomalies in the water column above a serpentinite massif, which unambiguously testify for ultramafic-related fluid flow. This is the first time that such circulation is observed on an intermediate-spreading ridge. The ridge axis itself is characterized by numerous off-axis volcanoes, suggesting a high magma supply. The water column survey indicates the presence of at least ten distinct hydrothermal plumes along the axis. The CH4:Mn ratios...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrothermal plumes; Mid-ocean ridges; South-East Indian Ridge.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Transform continental margins – Part 2: A worldwide review ArchiMer
Mercier De Lepinay, Marion; Loncke, Lies; Basile, Christophe; Roest, Walter; Patriat, Martin; Maillard, Agnes; De Clarens, Philippe.
We present a global inventory of transform continental margins, based on both a worldwide comparison of continent-ocean boundary identifications with oceanic fracture zones traces, and a compilation of published regional studies. This inventory increases the number of identified transform margins from 29 to 78. These margins represent 16% of continental margins in cumulative length and 31% of non-convergent margins. We include morphological data, published upper crustal sections, continent to ocean transition locations and published Moho shape data in the new database. This review confirms that continent to ocean transitions are sharper at transform margins than at divergent margins. It also emphasizes the structural diversity of transform margins....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Transform margin; Continental margin physiography; Marginal ridge; Marginal plateau.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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