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Influence des courants profonds sur les faciès sédimentaires du Vema Channel (Atlantique sud) à la fin du Cénozoïque ArchiMer
Melguen, Marthe; Debrabant, Pierre; Chamley, Hervé; Maillot, Henry; Hoffert, Michel; Courtois, Chantal.
The sediments of six cores from the Rio Grande Rise side of the Vema Channel reflect major phases in the sedimentary history of this area since Ihe lower Miocene. Cores taken from below the present-day lysocline (approx. 4 000 m) consist essentially of calcareous oozes. The variable degree of preservation of the Foraminifera and Coccoliths in these cores indicates dissolution cycles apparently linked to Antarctic Bottom Water (A.A.B.W.) fluctuations. Cores taken below 4 000 m represent an incomplete and shortened sedimentary sequence parliculary characterized by the presence of red Clay and manganese nodules. The latter have a todorokite core and are associated with relatively indurated phillipsite-rich sediments. In one of the deeper cores an increase,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1978 URL:
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