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Autonomously profiling the nitrate concentrations in the ocean : the Pronuts project ArchiMer
D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Le Reste, Serge; Lavigne, Heloise; Besson, F.; Claustre, H.; Coppola, Laurent; Dufour, A.; Dutreuil, Vincent; Laes, Agathe; Leymarie, Edouard; Malarde, Damien; Mangin, A.; Migon, Christophe; Morin, P.; Poteau, A.; Prieur, L.; Raimbault, P.; Testor, Pierre.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Observing mixed layer depth, nitrate and chlorophyll concentrations in the northwestern Mediterranean: A combined satellite and NO 3 profiling floats experiment ArchiMer
D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Lavigne, Heloise; Besson, Florent; Claustre, Herve; Coppola, Laurent; Garcia, Nicole; Laes-huon, Agathe; Le Reste, Serge; Malarde, Damien; Migon, Christophe; Morin, Pascal; Mortier, Laurent; Poteau, Antoine; Prieur, Louis; Raimbault, Patrick; Testor, Pierre.
Two profiling floats, equipped with nitrate concentration sensors were deployed in the northwestern Mediterranean from summer 2012 to summer 2013. Satellite ocean color data were extracted to evaluate surface chlorophyll concentration at float locations. Time series of mixed layer depths and nitrate and chlorophyll concentrations were analyzed to characterize the interplay between the physical-chemical and biological dynamics in the area. Deep convection (mixed layer depth > 1000 m) was observed in January–February, although high-nitrate surface concentrations could be already observed in December. Chlorophyll increase is observed since December, although high values were observed only in March. The early nitrate availability in subsurface layers, which...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bio-Argo; Mediterranean; Mixed layer; Bloom onset; Nitrate concentration; Ocean color satellite.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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