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Weight evaluation of Tabapuã cattle raised in northeastern Brazil using random-regression models 45
Oliveira,M.R.; Azevêdo,D.M.; Malhado,C.; Pires,L.; Martins Filho,R.; Sousa Júnior,S..
ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to compare random-regression models used to describe changes in evaluation parameters for growth in Tabapuã bovine raised in the Northeast of Brazilian. The M4532-5 random-regression model was found to be best for estimating the variation and heritability of growth characteristics in the animals evaluated. Estimates of direct additive genetic variance increased with age, while the maternal additive genetic variance demonstrated growth from birth to up to nearly 420 days of age. The genetic correlations between the first four characteristics were positive with moderate to large ranges. The greatest genetic correlation was observed between birth weight and at 240 days of age (0.82). The phenotypic correlation between...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Age; Covariance functions; Growth curve; Legendre polynomials; Livestock.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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