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Do changes in environmental and fishing pressures impact marine communities? An empirical assessment ArchiMer
Rochet, Marie-joelle; Trenkel, Verena; Carpentier, Andre; Coppin, Franck; Gil De Sola, Luis; Leaute, Jean-pierre; Mahe, Jean-claude; Maiorano, Porzia; Mannini, Alessandro; Murenu, Matteo; Piet, Gerjan; Politou, Chrissi-yianna; Reale, Bruno; Spedicato, Maria-teresa; Tserpes, George; Bertrand, Jacques.
P>1. The development of ecosystem approaches to environmental management implies the need to account for multiple pressures on ecosystems. Trends in multiple metrics that respond differently to changes in major environmental pressures need to be combined to evaluate the impacts of fishing and environmental changes on fish communities. 2. An exploited fish community is viewed as a three-level food chain in which the two upper levels, or functional groups, are targeted by fishing fleets, while the lowest level is subject to environmental variation. Qualitative modelling is used to predict changes at the two upper levels, that is, top-down vs. bottom-up perturbations. Abundance and length metrics are calculated from survey data for 14 Mediterranean and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bottom-up control; Community metrics; Compensation; Ecosystem approach to fisheries; Ecosystem assessment; Functional groups; Groundfish community; Mediterranean; North Atlantic; Top-down control.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Environmental drivers explain regional variation of changes in fish and invertebrate functional groups across the Mediterranean Sea from 1994 to 2012 ArchiMer
Brind'Amour, Anik; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Ordines, Francesc; Hosack, Geoff; Berthele, Olivier; Merigot, Bastien; Carbonara, Pierluigi; Follesa, Maria Cristina; Jadaud, Angelique; Lefkaditou, Evgenia; Maiorano, Porzia; Peristeraki, Panagiota; Mannini, Alessandro; Rabiller, Manuella; Spedicato, Maria Teresa; Tserpes, George; Trenkel, Verena.
Functional groups are sets of species that play a similar role in a food web. We defined functional groups of fish species based on their morphological characteristics, while using expert knowledge for invertebrates. We measured 9 morphological traits of 72 fish species, and carried out multivariate analyses to assign fish species to functional groups. The analysis identified 9 trait-based fish functional groups to which were added 3 expert-based invertebrate functional groups. The habitat (position in the water column) and potential diet of each group were identified from the literature. Using the MEDITS bottom trawl survey data collected at 10 to 800 m depth, we calculated relative change in the 12 fish and invertebrate functional group biomasses for 12...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Morphological traits; Community models; Functional network; Functional groups; Mediterranean Sea; Temporal trends; Fish; Shellfish.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Large-Scale Diversity of Slope Fishes: Pattern Inconsistency between Multiple Diversity Indices ArchiMer
Gaertner, Jean-claude; Maiorano, Porza; Merigot, Bastien; Colloca, Francesco; Politou, Chrissi-yianna; Gil De Sola, Luis; Bertrand, Jacques; Murenu, Matteo; Durbec, Jean-pierre; Kallianiotis, Argyris; Mannini, Alessandro.
Large-scale studies focused on the diversity of continental slope ecosystems are still rare, usually restricted to a limited number of diversity indices and mainly based on the empirical comparison of heterogeneous local data sets. In contrast, we investigate large-scale fish diversity on the basis of multiple diversity indices and using 1454 standardized trawl hauls collected throughout the upper and middle slope of the whole northern Mediterranean Sea (36 degrees 3' - 45 degrees 7' N; 5 degrees 3'W - 28 degrees E). We have analyzed (1) the empirical relationships between a set of 11 diversity indices in order to assess their degree of complementarity/redundancy and (2) the consistency of spatial patterns exhibited by each of the complementary groups of...
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Ano: 2013 URL:
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Modelling of European hake nurseries in the Mediterranean Sea: an ecological niche approach ArchiMer
Druon, Jean-noel; Fiorentino, Fabio; Murenu, Matteo; Knittweis, Leyla; Colloca, Francesco; Osio, Chato; Merigot, Bastien; Garofalo, Germana; Mannini, Alessandro; Jadaud, Angelique; Sbrana, Mario; Scarcella, Giuseppe; Tserpesi, George; Peristeraki, Panagiota; Carlucci, Roberto; Heikkonen, Jukka.
An ecological niche modelling (ENM) approach was developed to model the suitable habitat 36 for the 0-group European hake, Merluccius merluccius L., 1758, in the Mediterranean Sea. 37 The ENM was built combining knowledge on biological traits of hake recruits (e.g. growth, 38 settlement, mobility and feeding strategy) with patterns of selected ecological variables 39 (chlorophyll-a fronts and concentration, bottom depth, sea bottom current and temperature) 40 to highlight favourable nursery habitats. The results show that hake nurseries require stable 41 bottom temperature (11.8-15.0oC), low bottom currents (< 0.034 m.s-1) and a frequent 42 occurrence of productive fronts in low chlorophyll-a areas (0.1-0.9 mg.m-3) to support a 43 successful...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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