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Calibration procedures and first dataset of Southern Ocean chlorophyll a profiles collected by elephant seals equipped with a newly developed CTD-fluorescence tags ArchiMer
Guinet, Christophe; Xing, X.; Walker, E; Monestiez, P; Marchand, S.; Picard, Baptiste; Jaud, T.; Authier, Matthieu; Cotte, Cedric; Dragon, Ac; Diamond, E; Antoine, David; Lovell, P.; Blain, Stephane; D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Claustre, Herve.
In situ observation of the marine environment has traditionally relied on ship-based platforms. The obvious consequence is that physical and biogeochemical properties have been dramatically undersampled, especially in the remote Southern Ocean (SO). The difficulty in obtaining in situ data represents the major limitations to our understanding, and interpretation of the coupling between physical forcing and the biogeochemical response. Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) equipped with a new generation of oceanographic sensors can measure ocean structure in regions and seasons rarely observed with traditional oceanographic platforms. Over the last few years, seals have allowed for a considerable increase in temperature and salinity profiles from the...
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Ano: 2013 URL:
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New SMOS Sea Surface Salinity with reduced systematic errors and improved variability ArchiMer
Boutin, J.; Vergely, J. L.; Marchand, S.; D'Amico, F; Hasson, A.; Kolodziejczyk, Nicolas; Reul, Nicolas; Reverdin, G.; Vialard, J..
Salinity observing satellites have the potential to monitor river fresh-water plumes mesoscale spatio-temporal variations better than any other observing system. In the case of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite mission, this capacity was hampered due to the contamination of SMOS data processing by strong land-sea emissivity contrasts. Kolodziejczyk et al. (2016) (hereafter K2016) developed a methodology to mitigate SMOS systematic errors in the vicinity of continents, that greatly improved the quality of the SMOS Sea Surface Salinity (SSS). Here, we find that SSS variability, however, often remained underestimated, such as near major river mouths. We revise the K2016 methodology with: a) a less stringent filtering of measurements in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SMOS; Sea Surface Salinity; SMAP.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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