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An ocean-ice coupled response during the last glacial: a view from a marine isotopic stage 3 record south of the Faeroe Shetland Gateway ArchiMer
Zumaque, J.; Eynaud, Frederique; Zaragosi, S.; Marret, F.; Matsuzaki, K. M.; Kissel, C.; Roche, D. M.; Malaize, B.; Michel, E.; Billy, I.; Richter, T.; Palis, E..
The rapid climatic variability characterising the Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 3 (similar to 60-30 cal ka BP) provides key issues to understand the atmosphere-ocean-cryosphere dynamics. Here we investigate the response of sea-surface paleoenvironments to the MIS3 climatic variability through the study of a high resolution oceanic sedimentological archive (core MD99-2281, 60 degrees 21' N; 09 degrees 27' W; 1197m water depth), retrieved during the MD114-IMAGES (International Marine Global Change Study) cruise from the southern part of the Faeroe Bank. This sector was under the proximal influence of European ice sheets (Fennoscandian Ice Sheet to the East, British Irish Ice Sheet to the South) during the last glacial and thus probably responded to the MIS3...
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Ano: 2012 URL:
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Assessment of sea surface temperature changes in the Gulf of Cadiz during the last 30 ka: implications for glacial changes in the regional hydrography ArchiMer
Penaud, Aurelie; Eynaud, F.; Voelker, A.; Kageyama, M.; Marret, F.; Turon, J. L.; Blamart, D.; Mulder, T.; Rossignol, L..
New dinocyst analyses were conducted on core MD99-2339 retrieved from the central Gulf of Cadiz. Dinocyst and foraminiferal assemblages from this core are combined with existing data off SW Portugal and NW Morocco to investigate past hydrological and primary productivity regimes in the subtropical NE Atlantic Ocean over the last 30 ka. Our results have revealed highest upwelling intensity during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS 1) and the Younger Dryas and weaker upwelling cells during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and HS 2, off the SW Iberian and NW Moroccan margins. Similar assemblages between the Gulf of Cadiz and the NW Moroccan margin, and distinct species off Portugal, were observed during the cold climatic extremes that punctuated the last 30 ka. This...
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Ano: 2011 URL:
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Constraints on the magnitude and patterns of ocean cooling at the Last Glacial Maximum ArchiMer
Waelbroeck, C.; Paul, A.; Kucera, M.; Rosell-mele, A.; Weinelt, M.; Schneider, R.; Mix, A. C.; Abelmann, A.; Armand, L.; Bard, E.; Barker, S.; Barrows, T. T.; Benway, H.; Cacho, I.; Chen, M. T.; Cortijo, E.; Crosta, X.; De Vernal, A.; Dokken, T.; Duprat, J.; Elderfield, H.; Eynaud, F.; Gersonde, R.; Hayes, A.; Henry, M.; Hillaire-marcel, C.; Huang, C. C.; Jansen, E.; Juggins, S.; Kallel, N.; Kiefer, T.; Kienast, M.; Labeyrie, L.; Leclaire, H.; Londeix, L.; Mangin, S.; Matthiessen, J.; Marret, F.; Meland, M.; Morey, A. E.; Mulitza, S.; Pflaumann, U.; Pisias, N. G.; Radi, T.; Rochon, A.; Rohling, E. J.; Sbaffi, L.; Schafer-neth, C.; Solignac, S.; Spero, H.; Tachikawa, K.; Turon, J. -l..
Observation-based reconstructions of sea surface temperature from relatively stable periods in the past, such as the Last Glacial Maximum, represent an important means of constraining climate sensitivity and evaluating model simulations. The first quantitative global reconstruction of sea surface temperatures during the Last Glacial Maximum was developed by the Climate Long-Range Investigation, Mapping and Prediction (CLIMAP) project in the 1970s and 1980s. Since that time, several shortcomings of that earlier effort have become apparent. Here we present an updated synthesis of sea surface temperatures during the Last Glacial Maximum, rigorously defined as the period between 23 and 19 thousand years before present, from the Multiproxy Approach for the...
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Ano: 2009 URL:
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Orbital- and millennial-scale environmental changes between 64 and 20 ka BP recorded in Black Sea sediments ArchiMer
Shumilovskikh, L. S.; Fleitmann, D.; Nowaczyk, N. R.; Behling, H.; Marret, F.; Wegwerth, A.; Arz, H. W..
High-resolution pollen and dinoflagellate cyst records from sediment core M72/5-25-GC1 were used to reconstruct vegetation dynamics in northern Anatolia and surface conditions of the Black Sea between 64 and 20 ka BP. During this period, the dominance of Artemisia in the pollen record indicates a steppe landscape and arid climate conditions. However, the concomitant presence of temperate arboreal pollen suggests the existence of glacial refugia in northern Anatolia. Long-term glacial vegetation dynamics reveal two major arid phases similar to 64-55 and 40-32 ka BP, and two major humid phases similar to 54-45 and 28-20 ka BP, correlating with higher and lower summer insolation, respectively. Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) cycles are clearly indicated by the...
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Ano: 2014 URL:
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Rapid climatic variability in the west Mediterranean during the last 25 000 years from high resolution pollen data ArchiMer
Nebout, Nathalie Combourieu; Peyron, O.; Dormoy, I.; Desprat, S.; Beaudouin, C.; Kotthoff, U.; Marret, F..
temporal resolution pollen record from the Alboran Sea ODP Site 976, pollen-based quantitative climate reconstruction and biomisation show that changes of Mediterranean vegetation have been clearly modulated by short and long term variability during the last 25 000 years. The reliability of the quantitative climate reconstruction from marine pollen spectra has been tested using 22 marine core-top samples from the Mediterranean. The ODP Site 976 pollen record and climatic reconstruction confirm that Mediterranean environments have a rapid response to the climatic fluctuations during the last Termination. The western Mediterranean vegetation response appears nearly synchronous with North Atlantic variability during the last deglaciation as well as during the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2009 URL:
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