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Amélioration de la gestion des conditions de frontières ouvertes biogéochimiques dans les modèles physiques et biogéochimiques couplés régionaux afin de reproduire les principaux processus d’échanges côte - large. Action vers une Modélisation Intégrée Côtière Opérationnelle (AMICO). ArchiMer
Pinazo, Christel; Ross, Oliver; Diaz, F.; Doglioli, A.m.; D'Ortenzio, F.; Estournel, C.; Forget, P.; Garnier, Valerie; Gutknecht, E.; Kersale, M.; Kessouri, F.; Lathuilière, C.; Marie, Louis; Marmain, J.; Marsaleix, P.; Perruche, C.; Petrenko, A.; Reffray, G.; Sourisseau, Marc; Taillandier, V.; Taupier-letage, I.; Testor, P.; Thouvenin, Benedicte; Ulses, C.; Eldin, G..
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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Deep sediment resuspension and thick nepheloid layer generation by open-ocean convection ArchiMer
Durrieu De Madron, Xavier; Ramondenc, S.; Berline, L.; Houpert, L.; Bosse, Anthony; Martini, S.; Guidi, L.; Conan, P.; Curtil, C.; Delsaut, N.; Kunesch, S.; Ghiglione, J. F.; Marsaleix, P.; Pujo-pay, M.; Severin, T.; Testor, P.; Tamburini, C..
The Gulf of Lions in the northwestern Mediterranean is one of the few sites around the world ocean exhibiting deep open-ocean convection. Based on 6-year long (2009-2015) time series from a mooring in the convection region, shipborne measurements from repeated cruises, from 2012 to 2015, and glider measurements, we report evidence of bottom thick nepheloid layer formation, which is coincident with deep sediment resuspension induced by bottom-reaching convection events. This bottom nepheloid layer, which presents a maximum thickness of around 2000 m in the center of the convection region, probably results from the action of cyclonic eddies that are formed during the convection period and can persist within their core while they travel through the basin. The...
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Ano: 2017 URL:
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Dense shelf water cascading in the northwestern Mediterranean during the cold winter 2005: Quantification of the export through the Gulf of Lion and the Catalan margin ArchiMer
Ulses, C.; Estournel, C.; Puig, P.; Durrieu De Madron, Xavier; Marsaleix, P..
Dense shelf water cascading in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea during winter 2005, which was shown to cause large erosion in the canyons and to influence deep benthic ecosystem, was investigated using numerical modeling validated with temperature and current observations. Intense dense water formation took place on the Gulf of Lion and Catalan shelves. Dense shelf water was transferred to the deep basin through three pathways. The Cap de Creus canyon in the western Gulf of Lion already identified as a huge pathway was shown to export about 1000 km 3 of dense water during two months. The Palamos and Blanes canyons located on the Catalan margin were shown to be important pathways for water formed locally and for water transiting from the Gulf of Lion....
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Ano: 2008 URL:
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