Moullec, Fabien; Barrier, Nicolas; Drira, Sabrine; Guilhaumon, François; Marsaleix, Patrick; Somot, Samuel; Ulses, Caroline; Velez, Laure; Shin, Yunne-jai. |
The Mediterranean Sea is now recognized as a hotspot of global change, ranking among the fastest warming ocean regions. In order to project future plausible scenarios of marine biodiversity at the scale of the whole Mediterranean basin, the current challenge is to develop an explicit representation of the multispecies spatial dynamics under the combined influence of fishing pressure and climate change. Notwithstanding the advanced state-of-the-art modeling of food webs in the region, no previous studies have projected the consequences of climate change on marine ecosystems in an integrated way, considering changes in ocean dynamics, in phyto- and zoo-plankton productions, shifts in Mediterranean species distributions and their trophic interactions at the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Biodiversity scenario; Climate change; Ecosystem model; End-to-end model; OSMOSE; Fishing; Mediterranean Sea. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00504/61557/65469.pdf |
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Testor, Pierre; Bosse, Anthony; Houpert, Loic; Margirier, Felix; Mortier, Laurent; Legoff, Herve; Dausse, Denis; Labaste, Matthieu; Karstensen, Johannes; Hayes, Daniel; Olita, Antonio; Ribotti, Alberto; Schroeder, Katrin; Chiggiato, Jacopo; Onken, Reiner; Heslop, Emma; Mourre, Baptiste; D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Mayot, Nicolas; Lavigne, Heloise; De Fommervault, Orens; Coppola, Laurent; Prieur, Louis; Taillandier, Vincent; De Madron, Xavier Durrieu; Bourrin, Francois; Many, Gael; Damien, Pierre; Estournel, Claude; Marsaleix, Patrick; Taupier-letage, Isabelle; Raimbault, Patrick; Waldman, Robin; Bouin, Marie-noelle; Giordani, Herve; Caniaux, Guy; Somot, Samuel; Ducrocq, Veronique; Conan, Pascal. |
During winter 2012-2013, open-ocean deep convection which is a major driver for the thermohaline circulation and ventilation of the ocean, occurred in the Gulf of Lions (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea) and has been thoroughly documented thanks in particular to the deployment of several gliders, Argo profiling floats, several dedicated ship cruises, and a mooring array during a period of about a year. Thanks to these intense observational efforts, we show that deep convection reached the bottom in winter early in February 2013 in a area of maximum 28±3 109m9. We present new quantitative results with estimates of heat and salt content at the sub-basin scale at different time scales (on the seasonal scale to a ten days basis) through optimal interpolation... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ocean observation; Oceanic deep convection; Mediterranean Sea; Energy and buoyancy fluxes; Eddies; Plumes; Symmetric instability. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00415/52639/53494.pdf |
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Ulses, Caroline; Estournel, Claude; Fourrier, Marine; Coppola, Laurent; Kessouri, Faycal; Lefèvre, Dominique; Marsaleix, Patrick. |
The north-western Mediterranean deep convection plays a crucial role in the general circulation and biogeochemical cycles of the Mediterranean Sea. The DEWEX (DEnse Water EXperiment) project aimed to better understand this role through an intensive observation platform combined with a modelling framework. We developed a 3 dimensional coupled physical and biogeochemical model to estimate the cycling and budget of dissolved oxygen in the entire north-western Mediterranean deep convection area over the period September 2012 to September 2013. After showing that the simulated dissolved oxygen concentrations are in a good agreement with the in situ data collected from research cruises and Argo floats, we analyze the seasonal cycle of the air-sea oxygen... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2021 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00642/75453/76270.pdf |
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Voldoire, Aurore; Decharme, Bertrand; Pianezze, Joris; Brossier, Cindy Lebeaupin; Sevault, Florence; Seyfried, Leo; Garnier, Valerie; Bielli, Soline; Valcke, Sophie; Alias, Antoinette; Accensi, Mickael; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Bouin, Marie-noelle; Ducrocq, Veronique; Faroux, Stephanie; Giordani, Herve; Leger, Fabien; Marsaleix, Patrick; Rainaud, Romain; Redelsperger, Jean-luc; Richard, Evelyne; Riette, Sebastien. |
This study presents the principles of the new coupling interface based on the SURFEX multi-surface model and the OASIS3-MCT coupler. As SURFEX can be plugged into several atmospheric models, it can be used in a wide range of applications, from global and regional coupled climate systems to high-resolution numerical weather prediction systems or very fine-scale models dedicated to process studies. The objective of this development is to build and share a common structure for the atmosphere-surface coupling of all these applications, involving on the one hand atmospheric models and on the other hand ocean, ice, hydrology, and wave models. The numerical and physical principles of SURFEX interface between the different component models are described, and the... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00412/52391/53239.pdf |
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