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Systematic notes on Asian birds. 44. A preliminary review of the Corvidae Naturalis
Dickinson, E.C.; Eck, S.; Martens, J..
Certain Asian species of corvids, mainly those that have been reviewed since 1962, are discussed and attention is drawn to recommended changes in subspecific or specific status. Problem areas remain and research is suggested, some morphological, some molecular and some into voice. The rationale behind the ongoing revision of Corvus macrorhynchos is explained, but it is recommended that it be considered hypothetical and further developments awaited so that all relevant taxa can be assigned safely to species.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Magpies; Treepies; Jays; Nutcrackers; Crows; Corvidae; Type locality; Vocalizations; 42.83.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Systematic notes on Asian birds. 49. A preliminary review of the Aegithalidae, Remizidae and Paridae Naturalis
Eck, S.; Martens, J..
Proposed recent taxonomic changes in Paridae, Aegithalidae, and Remizidae are reviewed within the geographic scope of this series and their reliability is discussed in terms of the Biological Species Concept with respect to secondary contacts, hybridization, introgression, bioacoustics, and molecular genetics. Certain previously unpublished data are added to support the taxonomic decisions.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Paridae; Aegithalidae; Remizidae; Species limits; Systematics; Taxonomy; Eastern Palaearctic region; Indo-Malayan region; Morphology; Bioacoustics; Molecular genetics; Secondary contacts; Hybridisation; Introgression; 42.83.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Systematic notes on Asian birds. 65. A preliminary review of the Certhiidae Naturalis
Martens, J.; Tietze, D.T..
Recent proposed taxonomic changes in the Certhiidae are reviewed within the geographic scope of this series and their reliability is discussed in terms of the Biological Species Concept, with respect to secondary contacts, bioacoustics, and molecular genetics. Certain hitherto unpublished data, useful for the understanding of taxonomic decisions, are included. In accordance with Article 24.2.3 of the Code one of us acts as First Reviser in selecting the correct spelling of the name of the recently described Chinese species.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Certhiidae; Species limits; Systematics; Taxonomy; First Reviser; Eastern Palaearctic region; Indomalayan region; Morphology; Bioacoustics; Molecular geneticsz; 42.83.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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