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Modulation of the vertical particle transfer efficiency in the oxygen minimum zone off Peru ArchiMer
Bretagnon, Marine; Paulmier, Aurelien; Garcon, Veronique; Dewitte, Boris; Illig, Serena; Leblond, Nathalie; Coppola, Laurent; Campos, Fernando; Velazco, Federico; Panagiotopoulos, Christos; Oschlies, Andreas; Martin Hernandez-ayon, J.; Maske, Helmut; Vergara, Oscar; Montes, Ivonne; Martinez, Philippe; Carrasco, Edgardo; Grelet, Jacques; Desprez-de-gesincourt, Olivier; Maes, Christophe; Scouarnec, Lionel.
The fate of the organic matter (OM) produced by marine life controls the major biogeochemical cycles of the Earth's system. The OM produced through photosynthesis is either preserved, exported towards sediments or degraded through remineralisation in the water column. The productive eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUSs) associated with oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) would be expected to foster OM preservation due to low O-2 conditions. But their intense and diverse microbial activity should enhance OM degradation. To investigate this contradiction, sediment traps were deployed near the oxycline and in the OMZ core on an instrumented moored line off Peru. Data provided high-temporal-resolution O-2 series characterising two seasonal steady states at the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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