Loarer, Ronan; Arnoux, A.; Bodennec, Guy; Martin, Y.; Pagano, G.. |
L'étude des apports particulaires de la station d'épuration de Toulon-Est et des polluants qui leur sont associés a permis d'acquérir des informations concernant leur impact sur les fonds de la Grande Rade. Une campagne de prélèvement des sédiments superficiels fait apparaître, à travers la granulométrie, l'analyse des contaminants organiques et métalliques, la caractérisation de la matière organique, la répartition des bactéries d'origine fécale et des tests d'embryotoxicité sur des oursins, une zone d'impact maximal dans le Sud-Ouest du rejet. Celui-ci paraît limité à une distance allant de 500 à 1 500 mètres, avec des maxima entre 250 et 750 mètres, selon les traceurs et la direction envisagée. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Rejets urbains; Sédiments marins; Granulométrie; Radioactivité; Contamination chimique; Toxicité; Oursins. |
Ano: 1992 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00075/18654/16204.pdf |
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Cahet, G.; Martin, Y.. |
An experimental eutrophication carried out with several technics on mediterranean sea water (Embiez) in autumn shows : - significant variations in the electro-chemical composition of phytoplanktonic excretion; complex organic substances are excreted during two different periods, especially after the Skeletonema costatum bloom; - close relations between heterotrophy (l4C glucose test) and excretion of organic matter by photosynthetic organisms, glucids are always predominant; - the original heterotrophy from the 14c pyruvate test; which is obviously more selective than the 14c glucose test; - the existence of different periods of active ultraplankton. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Eutrophisation; Méditerranée; Embiez; Eutrophication; Mediterranean; Sea; Embiez. |
Ano: 1979 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00305/41670/40879.pdf |
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Martin, Y.; Bonnefont, Jl; Trousselier, M.. |
A model of E. coli's responses to marine environmental conditions and resulting cell behaviour has previously been developed. The model considers two kinds of antistress physiological responses and three induced cellular categories with different properties (culturable cells B1, viable but definitively non-culturable cells B2, resuscitable dormant cells B3). Since previous simulations have shown a good correlation with experimental data, we analyse here the effects of some environmental parameters (organic matter, salinity, sunlight) on cellular category dynamics in sea water. Results show that sunlight is the most important factor affecting that dynamics. With the use of two E. coli inocula (log or stationnary phase cells), sanitary implications of the... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1996 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00132/24328/22327.pdf |
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