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Relationship between metal levels in the vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus and local microhabitat chemical characteristics of Eiffel Tower (Lucky Strike) ArchiMer
Martins, Ines; Cosson, Richard P.; Riou, Virginie; Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Sarrazin, Jozee; Santos, Ricardo S.; Colaco, Ana.
The turbulent mixing of hydrothermal hot fluid with cold seawater creates large chemical gradients at a small spatial scale that may induce variable physiological and biochemical adaptations within the vent fauna. The adaptation to such a variable environment by the vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus relies on a dual symbiosis hosted in the gills, and digestion of particulate organic matter. The surrounding environment not only provides the necessary energy sources and suspended organic particles for the vent mussel nutrition, but also potentially toxic compounds such as metals. Our main goal was to see if there is a relation between metal accumulation in mussel organs and the chemical characteristics of their close environment. Mussels were collected at...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Metals; Metallothioneins; Bathymodiolus azoricus; Hydrothermal vent; Environmental conditions; Physiological condition; Spatial distribution.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The influence of nutritional conditions on metal uptake by the mixotrophic dual symbiosis harboring vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus ArchiMer
Martins, Ines; Bettencourt, Raul; Colaco, Ana; Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Santos, Ricardo Serrao; Cosson, Richard.
The vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus, host thioautotrophic and methanotrophic bacteria, in their gills and complementary, is able to digest suspended organic matter. But the involvement of nutritional status in metal uptake and storage remains unclear. The influence of B. azoricus physiological condition on its response to the exposure of a mixture of metals in solution is addressed. Mussels from the Menez Gwen field were exposed to 50 mu g L-1 Cd, plus 25 mu g L-1 Cu and 100 mu g L-1 Zn for 24 days. Four conditions were tested: (i) mussels harboring both bacteria but not feed, (ii) harboring only methanotrophic bacteria, (iii) without bacteria but fed during exposure and (iv) without bacteria during starvation. Unexposed mussels under the same...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Vent mussel B. azoricus; Metal accumulation; Nutritional condition; Metallothioneins; Condition indices.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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