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Clave de identificación de cápsulas de huevos de condrictios del Mar Argentino OceanDocs
Mabragaña, E.; Figueroa, D.E.; Scenna, L.B.; Díaz de Astarloa, J.M.; Colonello, J.H.; Massa, A.M..
Twenty eight species of oviparous chondrichthyans were reported on the Argentine Continental Shelf (SW Atlantic). The egg cases laid on the sea bed provide useful information to identify species, eggs laying areas and seasons. Based on the analysis of 155 egg cases corresponding to 21 chondrichthyan species, an illustrated field guide for a correct identification is presented.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Reproduction; Oviparity; Eggs; Identification keys; Marine fish; Marine environment; Eggs; Marine environment; Reproduction; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Estimación de un índice de abundancia anual de gatuzo (Mustelus schmitti) a partir de datos de la flota comercial argentina. Período 1992-2008 OceanDocs
Pérez, M.; Massa, A.M.; Cordo, H.D..
Patagonian smoothhound (Mustelus schmitti) is one of the predominant cartilaginous fishes of the Argentine Sea (SW Atlantic Ocean). It is caught, mainly, in the coastal multispecific fishery with nearly other 30 bony and cartilaginous species. The group is known as ‘variado costero’. In this work the smoothhound abundance indices (CPUE) and standardized efforts for the 1992-2008 period in the area between 34~’S-42~’S were estimated. The General Lineal Model (GLM) and data derived from the argentine commercial fleet were used. Other aspects that could affect estimates and trends of the annual indices were also analyzed. Mean CPUE values estimated with the GLM, considered as annual standardized abundance indices, show an increasing trend as of 2000; the...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Abundance; Catch/effort; Coastal fisheries; Statistical analysis; Mustelus schmitti; Marine environment.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Estructura poblacional del gatuzo (Mustelus shmitti) en la costa bonaerense y uruguaya asociada a condiciones oceanográficas. OceanDocs
Massa, A.M..
The gatuzo, Mustelus schmitti, lives in the Southamerican Atlantic coastal waters from up to 23°S (Brazil)down to 47°S (Argentine), and is the greatest species of the Bonaerense and North Patagonian shores. This species is the most exploited elasmobranch of this region, within the last six years catch has exceeded 10,000 t per year and it is vulnerable to overexploitation due to reproductive aspects, with a low rate of changes, as well as distribution patterns. In order to relate size distribution and nursery areas, and environmental temperature and salinity variability, were obtained within six INIDEP 'Coastal Project' research cruises from 34° to 42°S from boundaries to 50 mts isobaths, during the spring seasons between 1994 to 1997. Cluster analysis...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Size distribution; Age composition; Sex ratio; Growth curves; Environmental effects; Brackishwater environment; Age composition; Sex ratio; Brackishwater environment; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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