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Are we ready to track climate‐driven shifts in marine species across international boundaries? ‐ A global survey of scientific bottom trawl data ArchiMer
Maureaud, Aurore; Frelat, Romain; Pécuchet, Laurène; Shackell, Nancy; Mérigot, Bastien; Pinsky, Malin L.; Amador, Kofi; Anderson, Sean C.; Arkhipkin, Alexander; Auber, Arnaud; Barri, Iça; Bell, Richard J.; Belmaker, Jonathan; Beukhof, Esther; Camara, Mohamed L.; Guevara‐carrasco, Renato; Choi, Junghwa; Christensen, Helle T.; Conner, Jason; Cubillos, Luis A.; Diadhiou, Hamet D.; Edelist, Dori; Emblemsvåg, Margrete; Ernst, Billy; Fairweather, Tracey P.; Fock, Heino O.; Friedland, Kevin D.; Garcia, Camilo B; Gascuel, Didier; Gislason, Henrik; Goren, Menachem; Guitton, Jérôme; Jouffre, Didier; Hattab, Tarek; Hidalgo, Manuel; Kathena, Johannes N.; Knuckey, Ian; Kidé, Saïkou O.; Koen‐alonso, Mariano; Koopman, Matt; Kulik, Vladimir; León, Jacqueline P; Levitt‐barmats, Ya’arit; Lindegren, Martin; Llope, Marcos; Massiot‐granier, Félix; Masski, Hicham; Mclean, Matthew; Meissa, Beyah; Mérillet, Laurene; Mihneva, Vesselina; Nunoo, Francis K. E.; O'Driscoll, Richard; O'Leary, Cecilia A.; Petrova, Elitsa; Ramos, Jorge E.; Refes, Wahid; Román‐marcote, Esther; Siegstad, Helle; Sobrino, Ignacio; Sólmundsson, Jón; Sonin, Oren; Spies, Ingrid; Steingrund, Petur; Stephenson, Fabrice; Stern, Nir; Tserkova, Feriha; Tserpes, Georges; Tzanatos, Evangelos; Rijn, Itai; Zwieten, Paul A. M.; Vasilakopoulos, Paraskevas; Yepsen, Daniela V.; Ziegler, Philippe; Thorson, James.
Marine biota are redistributing at a rapid pace in response to climate change and shifting seascapes. While changes in fish populations and community structure threaten the sustainability of fisheries, our capacity to adapt by tracking and projecting marine species remains a challenge due to data discontinuities in biological observations, lack of data availability, and mismatch between data and real species distributions. To assess the extent of this challenge, we review the global status and accessibility of ongoing scientific bottom trawl surveys. In total, we gathered metadata for 283,925 samples from 95 surveys conducted regularly from 2001 to 2019. We identified that 59% of the metadata collected are not publicly available, highlighting that the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bottom trawl survey; Climate change; Demersal fish; Fisheries policy; Global data synthesis; Open science; Species distribution; Transboundary conservation.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Strong fisheries management and governance positively impact ecosystem status ArchiMer
Bundy, Alida; Chuenpagdee, Ratana; Boldt, Jennifer L.; Borges, Maria De Fatima; Camara, Mohamed Lamine; Coll, Marta; Diallo, Ibrahima; Fox, Clive; Fulton, Elizabeth A.; Gazihan, Ayse; Jarre, Astrid; Jouffre, Didier; Kleisner, Kristin M.; Knight, Ben; Link, Jason; Matiku, Patroba P.; Masski, Hicham; Moutopoulos, Dimitrios K.; Piroddi, Chiara; Raid, Tut; Sobrino, Ignacio; Tam, Jorge; Thiao, Djiga; Angeles Torres, Maria; Tsagarakis, Konstantinos; Van Der Meeren, Gro I.; Shin, Yunne-jai.
Fisheries have had major negative impacts on marine ecosystems, and effective fisheries management and governance are needed to achieve sustainable fisheries, biodiversity conservation goals and thus good ecosystem status. To date, the IndiSeas programme (Indicators for the Seas) has focussed on assessing the ecological impacts of fishing at the ecosystem scale using ecological indicators. Here, we explore fisheries Management Effectiveness' and Governance Quality' and relate this to ecosystem health and status. We developed a dedicated expert survey, focused at the ecosystem level, with a series of questions addressing aspects of management and governance, from an ecosystem-based perspective, using objective and evidence-based criteria. The survey was...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecological indicator; Ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM); Expert evaluation; Fisheries governance quality; Fisheries management effectiveness; Socioeconomic indicators.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Trace metal distribution in pelagic fish species from the north-west African coast (Morocco) ArchiMer
Afandi, Imane; Talba, Sophia; Benhra, Ali; Benbrahim, Samir; Chfiri, Rachid; Labonne, Maylis; Masski, Hicham; Lae, Raymond; De Morais, Luis Tito; Bekkali, Mohammed; Bouthir, Fatima Zohra.
In the current study, ten elements contents (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Cr, Co, Ni, Cd, Pb and Hg) have been measured in muscle and liver of four pelagic fish species (Engraulis encrasicolus, Sardina pilchardus, Scomber japonicus and Trachurus trachurus) from the north-west African coast (South Atlantic Moroccan coast), collected during summer and autumn seasons (July and December 2013, respectively). Significant differences in metal contents were found between the different species (p < 0.05). Metals levels were also much higher in liver than those recorded in muscle tissues. The concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cd, Co, Cu and Pb were significantly higher in mackerel liver (p < 0.05).While, in muscle, anchovy presents a higher content of Mn, Cu, Cr, Ni and Pb. A high...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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