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A method for soil health assessment in the conversion to organic farming 21
Mata, Macarena; Garrido, Marisol; Longhurst, Phil; Seaton, Roger.
This paper was presented at the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference of the Colloquium of Organic Researchers (COR). The regulation for the assessment of the conversion to organic farming establishes the use of soil/produce pollution and the type of agricultural practices as indicators of performance. However, these indicators don’t reflect the complexity of the soil ecosystem and soil health. Therefore, complementary indicators were sought (soil biostructure and field capacity), and a specific three-steps method for the assessment and monitoring of soil health during the conversion process was developed.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Technology transfer; Biodiversity and ecosystem services; Soil quality.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Policy-relevant research and integrative indicators in the conversion to organic farming 21
Mata, Macarena; Longhurst, Phil; Seaton, Roger; Garrido, Marisol.
This report was presented at the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference. Council Regulation 2092/91 specifies the general standards for the production methods of organic products in Europe. The criteria for the conversion process assessment, though, are largely defined by the national Certification Bodies. Assessment indicators mostly used are (a) type of agricultural practices (whether within organic standards or not) and (b) pollution in soil or produce. However, the conversion process is complex and its aims go beyond the achievement of soil fertility as indicated by these indicators. Soil health and socio-economic indicators need to be essential elements in the organic farming regulation policy. The research reported here (partial result of a four-years...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Policy environments and social economy "Organics" in general Education; Extension and communication.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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