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A dynamic and mechanistic model of PCB bioaccumulation in the European hake (Merluccius merluccius) ArchiMer
Bodiguel, Xavier; Maury, Olivier; Mellon-duval, Capucine; Roupsard, Francois; Le Guellec, Anne-marie; Loizeau, Veronique.
Bioaccumulation is difficult to document because responses differ among chemical compounds, with environmental conditions, and physiological processes characteristic of each species. We use a mechanistic model, based on the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory, to take into account this complexity and study factors impacting accumulation of organic pollutants in fish through ontogeny. The bioaccumulation model proposed is a comprehensive approach that relates evolution of hake PCB contamination to physiological information about the fish, such as diet, metabolism, reserve and reproduction status. The species studied is the European hake (Merluccius merluccius, L. 1758). The model is applied to study the total concentration and the lipid normalised...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) Bioaccumulation model; Bioenergetic Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) Demersal fish Merluccius merluccius.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A protocol for the intercomparison of marine fishery and ecosystem models: Fish-MIP v1.0 ArchiMer
Tittensor, Derek P.; Eddy, Tyler D.; Lotze, Heike K.; Galbraith, Eric D.; Cheung, William; Barange, Manuel; Blanchard, Julia L.; Bopp, Laurent; Bryndum-buchholz, Andrea; Buechner, Matthias; Bulman, Catherine; Carozza, David A.; Christensen, Villy; Coll, Marta; Dunne, John P.; Fernandes, Jose A.; Fulton, Elizabeth A.; Hobday, Alistair J.; Huber, Veronika; Jennings, Simon; Jones, Miranda; Lehodey, Patrick; Link, Jason S.; Mackinson, Steve; Maury, Olivier; Niiranen, Susa; Oliveros-ramos, Ricardo; Roy, Tilla; Schewe, Jacob; Shin, Yunne-jai; Silva, Tiago; Stock, Charles A.; Steenbeek, Jeroen; Underwood, Philip J.; Volkholz, Jan; Watson, James R.; Walker, Nicola D..
Model intercomparison studies in the climate and Earth sciences communities have been crucial to building credibility and coherence for future projections. They have quantified variability among models, spurred model development, contrasted within- and among-model uncertainty, assessed model fits to historical data, and provided ensemble projections of future change under specified scenarios. Given the speed and magnitude of anthropogenic change in the marine environment and the consequent effects on food security, biodiversity, marine industries, and society, the time is ripe for similar comparisons among models of fisheries and marine ecosystems. Here, we describe the Fisheries and Marine Ecosystem Model Intercomparison Project protocol version 1.0...
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Ano: 2018 URL:
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An iron cycle cascade governs the response of equatorial Pacific ecosystems to climate change ArchiMer
Tagliabue, Alessandro; Barrier, Nicolas; Du Pontavice, Hubert; Kwiatkowski, Lester; Aumont, Olivier; Bopp, Laurent; Cheung, William W. L.; Gascuel, Didier; Maury, Olivier.
Earth System Models project that global climate change will reduce ocean net primary production (NPP), upper trophic level biota biomass and potential fisheries catches in the future, especially in the eastern equatorial Pacific. However, projections from Earth System Models are undermined by poorly constrained assumptions regarding the biological cycling of iron, which is the main limiting resource for NPP over large parts of the ocean. In this study, we show that the climate change trends in NPP and the biomass of upper trophic levels are strongly affected by modifying assumptions associated with phytoplankton iron uptake. Using a suite of model experiments, we find 21st century climate change impacts on regional NPP range from −12.3% to +2.4% under a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climate change; Iron; Marine ecosystems; Net primary production; Ocean.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Biogeography of tuna and billfish communities ArchiMer
Reygondeau, Gabriel; Maury, Olivier; Beaugrand, Gregory; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Fonteneau, Alain; Cury, Philippe.
Aim The aims of this study were: (1) to identify global communities of tuna and billfish species through quantitative statistical analyses of global fisheries data; (2) to describe the spatial distribution, main environmental drivers and species composition of each community detected; and (3) to determine whether the spatial distribution of each community could be linked to the environmental conditions that affect lower trophic levels by comparing the partitions identified in this study with Longhursts biogeochemical provinces. Location The global ocean from 60 degrees S to 65 degrees N. Methods We implemented a new numerical procedure based on a hierarchical clustering method and a nonparametric probabilistic test to divide the oceanic biosphere into...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biogeochemical provinces; Global ocean; Istiophorus; Katsuwonus; Macroecology; Makaira; Marine biogeography; Tetrapturus; Thunnus; Xiphias.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Climate Change-Induced Emergence of Novel Biogeochemical Provinces ArchiMer
Reygondeau, Gabriel; Cheung, William W. L.; Wabnitz, Colette C. C.; Lam, Vicky W. Y.; Frölicher, Thomas; Maury, Olivier.
The global ocean is commonly partitioned into 4 biomes subdivided into 56 biogeochemical provinces (BGCPs) following the accepted division proposed by Longhurst in 1998. Each province corresponds to a unique regional environment that shapes biodiversity and constrains ecosystem structure and functions. Biogeochemical provinces are dynamic entities that change their spatial extent and position with climate and are expected to be perturbated in the near future by global climate change. Here, we characterize the changes in spatial distribution of BGCPs from 1950 to 2100 using three earth system models under two representative concentration pathways (RCP 2.6 and 8.5). We project a reorganization of the current distribution of BGCPs driven mostly by a poleward...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Physical oceanography; Marine biogeography; Pelagic environment; Novel ocean climate; Environmental niche model.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Differing marine animal biomass shifts under 21st century climate change between Canada’s three oceans ArchiMer
Bryndum-buchholz, Andrea; Prentice, Faelan; Tittensor, Derek P.; Blanchard, Julia L.; Cheung, William W.l.; Christensen, Villy; Galbraith, Eric D.; Maury, Olivier; Lotze, Heike K.; Favaro, Brett.
Under climate change, species composition and abundances in high-latitude waters are expected to substantially reconfigure with consequences for trophic relationships and ecosystem services. Outcomes are challenging to project at national scales, despite their importance for management decisions. Using an ensemble of six global marine ecosystem models we analyzed marine ecosystem responses to climate change from 1971 to 2099 in Canada’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) under four standardized emissions scenarios. By 2099, under business-as-usual emissions (RCP8.5) projected marine animal biomass declined by an average of −7.7% (±29.5%) within the Canadian EEZ, dominated by declines in the Pacific (−24% ± 24.5%) and Atlantic (−25.5% ± 9.5%) areas; these were...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climate change; Ensemble modeling; Marine ecosystem models; Canada Exclusive Economic Zone; Fish-MIP; Projection uncertainty.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Global ensemble projections reveal trophic amplification of ocean biomass declines with climate change ArchiMer
Lotze, Heike K.; Tittensor, Derek P.; Bryndum-buchholz, Andrea; Eddy, Tyler D.; Cheung, William W. L.; Galbraith, Eric D.; Barange, Manuel; Barrier, Nicolas; Bianchi, Daniele; Blanchard, Julia L; Bopp, Laurent; Buchner, Matthias; Bulman, Catherine M.; Carozza, David A.; Christensen, Villy; Coll, Marta; Dunne, John P.; Fulton, Elizabeth A.; Jennings, Simon; Jones, Miranda C.; Mackinson, Steve; Maury, Olivier; Niiranen, Susa; Oliveros-ramos, Ricardo; Roy, Tilla; Fernandes, Jose A.; Schewe, Jacob; Shin, Yunne-jai; Silva, Tiago A. M.; Steenbeek, Jeroen; Stock, Charles A.; Verley, Philippe; Volkholz, Jan; Walker, Nicola D.; Worm, Boris.
While the physical dimensions of climate change are now routinely assessed through multimodel intercomparisons, projected impacts on the global ocean ecosystem generally rely on individual models with a specific set of assumptions. To address these single-model limitations, we present standardized ensemble projections from six global marine ecosystem models forced with two Earth system models and four emission scenarios with and without fishing. We derive average biomass trends and associated uncertainties across the marine food web. Without fishing, mean global animal biomass decreased by 5% (+/- 4% SD) under low emissions and 17% (+/- 11% SD) under high emissions by 2100, with an average 5% decline for every 1 degrees C of warming. Projected biomass...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climate change impacts; Marine food webs; Global ecosystem modeling; Model intercomparison; Uncertainty.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Indian Ocean Dipole and El Nino/Southern Oscillation impacts on regional chlorophyll anomalies in the Indian Ocean ArchiMer
Currie, J. C.; Lengaigne, M.; Vialard, Jerome; Kaplan, David; Aumont, Olivier; Naqvi, S. W. A.; Maury, Olivier.
The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) are independent climate modes, which frequently co-occur, driving significant interannual changes within the Indian Ocean. We use a four-decade hindcast from a coupled biophysical ocean general circulation model, to disentangle patterns of chlorophyll anomalies driven by these two climate modes. Comparisons with remotely sensed records show that the simulation competently reproduces the chlorophyll seasonal cycle, as well as open-ocean anomalies during the 1997/1998 ENSO and IOD event. Results suggest that anomalous surface and euphotic-layer chlorophyll blooms in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean in fall, and southern Bay of Bengal in winter, are primarily related to IOD forcing....
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Ano: 2013 URL:
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Influence of mesoscale eddies on biological production in the Mozambique Channel: Several contrasted examples from a coupled ocean-biogeochemistry model ArchiMer
Jose, Yonss; Aumont, Olivier; Machu, Eric; Penven, Pierrick; Moloney, C. L.; Maury, Olivier.
The impact of mesoscale activity on phytoplankton and nutrient distribution in the Mozambique Channel was simulated by coupling a biogeochemical model (PISCES) with a regional oceanic model (ROMS). Examples of the effects of eddies on the biogeochemistry of the Mozambique Channel are presented to illustrate the complexity of the system. In the model, several cyclonic eddies were found with low concentrations of chlorophyll at their cores, which contrasts with previous studies in the open ocean. In addition, several anticyclonic eddies were simulated with high concentrations of chlorophyll at their cores. Phytoplankton growth within these mesoscale features (both cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies) occurred in response to nutrient injection into the euphotic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean physical-biogeochemical coupling; Cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies; Chlorophyll; Nutrients; Mozambique Channel.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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The True Challenge of Giant Marine Reserves ArchiMer
Kaplan, David; Bach, Pascal; Bonhommeau, Sylvain; Chassot, Emmanuel; Chavance, Pierre; Dagorn, Laurent; Davies, Tim; Dueri, Sibylle; Fletcher, Rick; Fonteneau, Alain; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Gaertner, Daniel; Hampton, John; Hilborn, Ray; Hobday, Alistair; Kearney, Robert; Kleiber, Pierre; Lehodey, Patrick; Marsac, Francis; Maury, Olivier; Mees, Chris; Menard, Frederic; Pearce, John; Sibert, John.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2013 URL:
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