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From the help desk AgEcon
McDowell, Allen.
Welcome to From the help desk. From the help desk is written by the people in Technical Services at StataCorp and deals with issues that they have found to be of concern to a large fraction of Stata users. It is the rare column in this series that deals with sophisticated programming issues because such issues, by definition, are not of concern to a large fraction of Stata users. From the help desk discusses the use of sophisticated programs and the use of sophisticated statistics.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Internet; Web; Ado-files; Stata executable installation; Updates; Downloading; User-written additions; Packages; Search; Find; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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From the help desk: hurdle models AgEcon
McDowell, Allen.
This article demonstrates that, although there is no command in Stata for fitting hurdle models, the parameters of a hurdle model can be estimated in Stata rather easily using a combination of existing commands. We also include a likelihood evaluator to be used with Stata’s ml facilities to illustrate how to fit a hurdle model using ml’s cluster(), svy, and constraints() options.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Hurdle model; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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From the help desk: It's all about the sampling AgEcon
McDowell, Allen; Pitblado, Jeffrey S..
Effective estimation and inference, when the data are collected using complex survey designs, requires estimators that fully account for the sampling design. This article explores, by means of Monte Carlo simulations of the power of simple hypothesis tests, the consequences of parameter estimation and inference when naive estimators are employed with survey data.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cluster; Design; Power; Strata; Svy; Svymean; Svyset; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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From the help desk: Polynomial distributed lag models AgEcon
McDowell, Allen.
Polynomial distributed lag models (PDLs) are finite-order distributed lag models with the impulse–response function constrained to lie on a polynomial of known degree. You can estimate the parameters of a PDL directly via constrained ordinary least squares, or you can derive a reduced form of the model via a linear transformation of the structural model, estimate the reduced-form parameters, and recover estimates of the structural parameters via an inverse linear transformation of the reduced-form parameter estimates. This article demonstrates both methods using Stata.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Polynomial distributed lag; Almon; Lagrangian interpolation polynomials; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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From the help desk: Seemingly unrelated regression with unbalanced equations AgEcon
McDowell, Allen.
This article demonstrates how to estimate the parameters of a system of seemingly unrelated regressions when the equations are unbalanced, i.e., when the equations have an unequal number of observations. With estimators that require the data to be in wide format, such as Stata’s sureg, the equations must be balanced. Any additional observations that are available for some equations, but not for all, are discarded, potentially resulting in a loss of efficiency. Reshaping and scaling the data allows us to use Stata’s xtgee command to fit the model and obtain estimates utilizing all the available data. The resulting estimator is potentially more efficient when the equations are unbalanced.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: SUR; Seemingly unrelated regression; Unbalanced equations; Generalized estimating equations; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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From the help desk: Transfer functions AgEcon
McDowell, Allen.
The question often arises as to whether one can estimate a transfer function model using Stata. While Stata does not currently have a convenience command for doing so, this article will demonstrate that estimating such a model can be accomplished quite easily using Stata’s arima command. The classic text for transfer function modeling is Box, Jenkins, and Reinsel (1994); however, a more concise presentation can be found in Brockwell and Davis (1991).
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Arima; Xcorr; Corrgram; Transfer function; Impulse-response function; Autocorrelation function; Cross-correlation function; Pre-whitened; Linear filter; Difference equation; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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