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Lambert, David K.; Lim, Siew Hoon; Tweeten, Kathleen M.; Leistritz, F. Larry; Wilson, William W.; McKee, Gregory J.; Nganje, William E.; DeVuyst, Cheryl Sinn; Saxowsky, David M..
Introduction: This report provides an overview of the important factors affecting investments in agricultural value-added ventures. The introductory section outlines current research on factors important in the location of economic activity. Research applied to specific agricultural value-added ventures, such as food manufacturing and livestock feeding and finishing operations, are discussed. A listing of resources available to entrepreneurs considering value-added investments concludes the introductory section. Following the introductory section are short overviews of industries that already have, or may have, potential for increasing economic activity in the state. All are based on the important foundation of agriculture in the state's economy or...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agribusiness.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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American Crystal Sugar Company: Making Ethanol from Sugar Beets? Teaching Note AgEcon
McKee, Gregory J.; Boland, Michael A.; Offerdahl, Alex.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Bioeconomic Modeling of Greenhouse Whiteflies in California Strawberries AgEcon
McKee, Gregory J.; Carter, Colin A.; Chalfant, James A.; Goodhue, Rachael E..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q18.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Cass-Clay Creamery: A New Direction for an Old Brand AgEcon
McKee, Gregory J.; Boland, Michael A..
Consolidation and industrialization are increasingly important factors affecting the level of membership in cooperative businesses. This article presents information about the development of the dairy industry in North Dakota and its effect on Cass- Clay Creamery, a farmer-owned dairy cooperative. Students are asked to analyze decisions about branding and being acquired by another larger cooperative.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Dairy; Cooperative; Acquisition; North Dakota; Cass-Clay; AMPI; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Current Issues in Strategy For Agricultural Cooperatives AgEcon
Boland, Michael A.; Hogeland, Julie A.; McKee, Gregory J..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural; Agribusiness; Cooperatives; Management; Strategy; Agribusiness; L10; L23; L16; Q13.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Data Aggregation and Information Loss AgEcon
McKee, Gregory J.; Miljkovic, Dragan.
Analysts often use a single average or otherwise aggregated price series to represent several geographic or product markets even when disaggregate data are available. We hypothesize that such an approach may not be appropriate under some circumstances, such as when only long-term relationships hold among price series or when homogeneous but relatively perishable products are considered. This question is of particular relevance in agriculture because of seasonality in production and harvest across various production regions, and the effect of changes in demand as substitute crops become available. We analyze this question in the context of fresh strawberry production. We find that in the case of the strawberry market, aggregate series are appropriate for...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Strawberry; Price; Cointegration; Granger causality; Average price; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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McKee, Gregory J.; Goodhue, Rachael E.; Chalfant, James A.; Carter, Colin A..
Changes in production conditions associated with biological invasions can be complex. As a result, modeling invasive species management decisions can be difficult. Modeling these decisions is further compounded by externalities associated with spatial relationships among growers. In order to calculate optimal management decisions, an accurate bioeconomic model of the feedback between grower decisions and the new biological interactions created by an invasive species population is needed. In this paper, a bioeconomic model is used to explicitly analyze how externalities caused by spatial relationships among agricultural producers affect optimal invasive species management decisions. The example of the coordinated greenhouse whitefly management in the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Invasive species; Strawberry; Greenhouse whitefly; Externality; Optimal management; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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McKee, Gregory J..
Changes in production conditions associated with biological invasions can be complex. As a result, modeling invasive species management decisions can be difficult. Modeling these decisions is further compounded by externalities associated with spatial relationships among growers. In order to calculate optimal management decisions, an accurate bioeconomic model of the feedback between grower decisions and the new biological interactions created by an invasive species population is needed. In this paper, a bioeconomic model is used to explicitly analyze how externalities caused by spatial relationships among agricultural producers affect optimal invasive species management decisions. The example of the coordinated greenhouse whitefly management in the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Invasive species; Strawberry; Greenhouse whitefly; Externality; Optimal management.; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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North American Bison Cooperative and North Dakota Natural Beef LLC: Governance of a Contractual Alliance AgEcon
McKee, Gregory J.; Boland, Michael A..
In 2005, North American Bison Cooperative formed a contractual alliance with North Dakota Natural Beef, LLC. The alliance was formed in order to enable the cooperative to enhance returns from its physical and managerial assets by entering the natural beef market. This case describes the resources shared by the cooperative and LLC, how the alliance was governed, the risk of opportunism by the CEO and associated trust building and control mechanisms, and the benefits cooperative members received. Although the two companies operate under different business principles, cooperative members exercise indirect control over the resources they contribute to the venture.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agribusiness; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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McKee, Gregory J..
The United Spring Wheat Processors cooperative was formed in 1996 as a value-added processor of hard red spring wheat. It obtained equity from members in a series of three funding drives, used to operate a par-baked dough baking facility in McDonough, GA. Though the cooperative achieved some substantial successes, it ceased operations in 2003 due to persistent technical failures. The circumstances that led to the closure of the cooperative can be used to extract important lessons for future value-added ventures.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Cooperative; Spring wheat; Business model; Equity drive; Par-baked dough; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The Economic Contribution of North Dakota Cooperatives to the North Dakota State Economy AgEcon
McKee, Gregory J..
Cooperatives are a vital component of the North Dakota economy. Owned by their customers or by privately-held firms, cooperatives provide a variety of goods and services to North Dakota. Based on data provided by the North Dakota Secretary of State, 332 businesses operating in North Dakota identified themselves as cooperatives in 2010; 256 are headquartered in the state. The economic contribution of the North Dakota cooperatives reaches beyond the local communities where they are headquartered. In 2010, the operations of electric, credit, farm supply and farm output marketing, and telecommunication cooperatives headquartered in North Dakota generated $3.5 billion of gross business sales. These sales led to secondary business volume of $2.1 billion. Hence,...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Agribusiness; Financial Economics; Public Economics.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The Financial Performance of North Dakota Agricultural Cooperatives AgEcon
McKee, Gregory J..
Agricultural input supply and marketing cooperatives are an important part of North Dakota's agricultural economy. North Dakota agricultural cooperatives purchase and merchandise feed and food grains, maintain inventories of farm inputs, and provide specialized services. In 2004, 224 farm supply, agricultural processing, and grain handling cooperatives were present in the state (Coon and Leistritz 2005). These include independent local cooperatives and those affiliated with federated cooperatives. The objective of this research is to assess the financial performance of North Dakota agricultural input supply and grain handling cooperatives between 2002 and 2006. In section one, the characteristics of a cooperative business and how this relates to the...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Agribusiness.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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The Financial Performance of North Dakota Grain Marketing and Farm Supply Cooperatives AgEcon
McKee, Gregory J..
The objective of this research is to assess the financial performance of North Dakota farm supply and grain handling cooperatives between 2002 and 2006. Audited financial statements from 120 cooperatives were used. Various financial variables are tested as determinants of profitability. Financial ratio analysis is used to observe trends in liquidity, solvency, and efficiency. Comparisons in ratio trends are made based on relative profitability. No statistical relationship is found between business size and profitability. The most profitable North Dakota agricultural input supply and grain marketing cooperatives were observed to have financial ratio values distinct from less profitable ones.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cooperative; Agriculture; Financial ratio; Profitability; North Dakota; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The Restructuring of Dakota Growers Pasta Company AgEcon
Boland, Michael A.; McKee, Gregory J..
The decision discussed in this case is to examine the advantages and disadvantages of restructuring Dakota Growers Pasta. Cook’s life cycle taxonomy of cooperatives is used to explain how the cooperative moved throughout its life until it restructured as a closely-held organization. The organization does not appear to have changed greatly in its operation since the conversion.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agribusiness.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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