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Life time prediction of polymer used as thermal insulation in offshore oil production conditions: Ageing on real structure and reliability of prediction 5
Le Gac, Pierre-yves; Choqueuse, Dominique; Melot, D.; Melve, B.; Meniconi, L..
Polymers are widely used for passive thermal insulation coatings on steel pipe in offshore oil and gas production. In this industry, structures used in deep sea have to be reliable as they are in service for more than 20 years in a very severe environment: sea water, hydrostatic pressure, temperature. One of the main questions is how to test and predict the lifetime of such structures in the laboratory. This study presents one approach that has been developed to characterize and predict the degradation of polyurethanes used as thermal insulation materials. Based on results obtained during accelerated ageing of the PU in sea water, a prediction of degradation through the thickness has been set up taking into account the temperature profile in the coating,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Polyurethane; Life time prediction; Hydrolysis; Offshore; Thermal insulation; Durability.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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