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Ediacaran to lower Cambrian basement in eastern George V Land (Antarctica): Evidence from U Pb dating of gneiss xenoliths and implications for the South Australia- East Antarctica connection ArchiMer
Lamarque, Gaelle; Bascou, Jerome; Menot, Rene-pierre; Paquette, Jean-louis; Couzinie, Simon; Rolland, Yann; Cottin, Jean-yves.
This study presents the first geochronological results on basement rocks from the Penguin-Bage-Webb (PBW) domain located east of the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic Terre Adélie craton, Antarctica. Investigated samples are paragneiss xenoliths hosted within early Paleozoic granitoids, which were emplaced during the Ross orogeny. Zircon UPb dating yielded ages ranging from the Archean to the Cambrian, with a dominant Ediacaran (550–635 Ma) population and maximum depositional ages around 570–575 Ma. U–Th–Pb analyses of monazite suggest that the metamorphic event that formed the gneiss samples occured at ca. 515 Ma, shortly prior to incorporation within the granitic magmas. The studied samples likely represent relics of the pre-Gondawana Pacific margin, which was...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gondwana margin; Ross orogeny; George V Land; Antarctica-Australia connection; Zircon and monazite U-Pb dating.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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