Registros recuperados: 18 | |
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Wong, Annie P. S.; Wijffels, Susan E.; Riser, Stephen C.; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Hosoda, Shigeki; Roemmich, Dean; Gilson, John; Johnson, Gregory C.; Martini, Kim; Murphy, David J.; Scanderbeg, Megan; Bhaskar, T. V. S. Udaya; Buck, Justin J. H.; Merceur, Frederic; Carval, Thierry; Maze, Guillaume; Cabanes, Cécile; André, Xavier; Poffa, Noe; Yashayaev, Igor; Barker, Paul M.; Guinehut, Stéphanie; Belbéoch, Mathieu; Ignaszewski, Mark; Baringer, Molly O'Neil; Schmid, Claudia; Lyman, John M.; Mctaggart, Kristene E.; Purkey, Sarah G.; Zilberman, Nathalie; Alkire, Matthew B.; Swift, Dana; Owens, W. Brechner; Jayne, Steven R.; Hersh, Cora; Robbins, Pelle; West-mack, Deb; Bahr, Frank; Yoshida, Sachiko; Sutton, Philip J. H.; Cancouët, Romain; Coatanoan, Christine; Dobbler, Delphine; Juan, Andrea Garcia; Gourrion, Jerome; Kolodziejczyk, Nicolas; Bernard, Vincent; Bourlès, Bernard; Claustre, Hervé; D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Le Reste, Serge; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Rannou, Jean Philippe; Saout-grit, Carole; Speich, Sabrina; Thierry, Virginie; Verbrugge, Nathalie; Angel-benavides, Ingrid M.; Klein, Birgit; Notarstefano, Giulio; Poulain, Pierre-marie; Vélez-belchí, Pedro; Suga, Toshio; Ando, Kentaro; Iwasaska, Naoto; Kobayashi, Taiyo; Masuda, Shuhei; Oka, Eitarou; Sato, Kanako; Nakamura, Tomoaki; Sato, Katsunari; Takatsuki, Yasushi; Yoshida, Takashi; Cowley, Rebecca; Lovell, Jenny L.; Oke, Peter R.; Van Wijk, Esmee M.; Carse, Fiona; Donnelly, Matthew; Gould, W. John; Gowers, Katie; King, Brian A.; Loch, Stephen G.; Mowat, Mary; Turton, Jon; Rama Rao, E. Pattabhi; Ravichandran, M.; Freeland, Howard J.; Gaboury, Isabelle; Gilbert, Denis; Greenan, Blair J. W.; Ouellet, Mathieu; Ross, Tetjana; Tran, Anh; Dong, Mingmei; Liu, Zenghong; Xu, Jianping; Kang, Kiryong; Jo, Hyeongjun; Kim, Sung-dae; Park, Hyuk-min. |
In the past two decades, the Argo Program has collected, processed, and distributed over two million vertical profiles of temperature and salinity from the upper two kilometers of the global ocean. A similar number of subsurface velocity observations near 1,000 dbar have also been collected. This paper recounts the history of the global Argo Program, from its aspiration arising out of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment, to the development and implementation of its instrumentation and telecommunication systems, and the various technical problems encountered. We describe the Argo data system and its quality control procedures, and the gradual changes in the vertical resolution and spatial coverage of Argo data from 1999 to 2019. The accuracies of the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Global; Ocean; Pressure; Temperature; Salinity; Argo; Profiling; Floats. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00652/76377/77385.pdf |
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Satra Le Bris, Catherine; Merceur, Frederic; Meillon, Julien; Quimbert, Erwann; Treguer, Mickael. |
Les jeux de données publics décrits dans le catalogue de l’Infrastructure de Donnée Géographique Sextant peuvent désormais bénéficier d’un Digital Object Identifier (DOI), identifiant international pérenne, au même titre qu’une publication scientifique. Un DOI fiabilise la citation de données et fournit un lien stable vers la ressource. La citation de données est une marque de reconnaissance pour les producteurs des données. Les données sont également plus simplement accessibles aux utilisateurs qui souhaitent les réutiliser pour vérifier un résultat ou poursuivre les travaux présentés dans une publication. De plus, l'attribution de DOI à des données géographiques permet d'anticiper sur le programme Horizon 2020 qui imposera aux bénéficiaires de... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00383/49394/49831.pdf |
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Merceur, Frederic. |
This document describes the general principles of Digital Object Identifiers (DOI). It provide examples of DOI implementation useful for AtlantOS H2020 project networks. A DOI is an allocation of unique identifier. Generally used to identify scientific publications, a DOI can be attributed to any physical, numerical or abstract resource. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00334/44515/44210.pdf |
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Merceur, Frederic. |
En Août 2005, l'Ifremer lançait Archimer, son archive institutionnelle. Archimer propose aujourd'hui plus de 3700 documents accessibles librement sur Internet dont plus de 80% des publications co-rédigées par l'Ifremer depuis la création de l'archive. Après un rappel des modalités de collecte et d'enregistrement des publications, ce document présente un bilan de l'utilisation d'Archimer. Il analyse notamment la progression du nombre de consultations et les différences constatées entre les usages des différents types de travaux (publications, thèses, rapports...). Cette étude met également en évidence la prédominance du moteur de recherche Google pour accéder aux documents et souligne les implications en terme de visibilité sur Internet. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2008/rapport-4632.pdf |
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Merceur, Frederic. |
In August 2005, Ifremer launched its institutional repository: Archimer. Today, Archimer provides free access, on the Internet, to more than 5,000 documents, including more than 80 % of the publications co-written by Ifremer since the creation of the repository. Following a reminder of the publication harvesting and recording methods, this document assesses the use of Archimer. It analyses, amongst others, the progression of the number of interrogations and the differences observed between the uses of the different types of works (publication, thesis, internal reports...). This study also demonstrates the predominance of the search engine Google in the access to the documents and underlines its consequences in terms of Internet visibility. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Statistics; Google; Archimer; Institutional Repository; Open Access. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2009/acte-6854.pdf |
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Merceur, Frederic; Le Gall, Morgane; Salaun, Annick. |
In addition to its promotion and conservation objectives, Archimer, Ifremer’s institutional repository, offers a wide range of bibliometric tools described in this document. As early as the recording stage, numerous automatic operations homogenize the information (author’s name, research body, department…), thus proving the quality of the bibliometric analyses. Now, Archimer enables, among others, the automatic calculation of several indicators defined by Ifremer and the different ministries in charge in the framework of its four-year contract. It also offers various criteria aimed at analysing its document production (eg. distribution of the value of the journals’ impact factors, evolution of the number of quotations in other publications, presentation... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00031/14253/11537.pdf |
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Borremans, Catherine; Merceur, Frederic. |
More and more research work on marine environment is based on the analysis of imagery. Thanks to technological development, we can now monitor ocean ecosystems using video cameras deployed on different platforms. Video acquisition provides information on organisms’ life and on environmental conditions. The sources of video data and the subjects of interest are many and varied: films from submersible dives in deep-sea environment, programmed video sequences of undersea rotary video stations in lagoons, high-frequency video data on deep-sea observatories, video observations recorded by fixed and autonomous camera devices on fishing gears, and others. The information contained in those images is essential to understand species biology and the functioning of... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00361/47245/47209.pdf |
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Merceur, Frederic. |
In August 2005, Ifremer launched Archimer, its institutional repository: a full-text database providing free access to publications, theses, conference proceedings, and internal reports. As part of the Open Access movement, this database promotes Ifremer's works on an international scale. A year later Archimer offers more than 1,400 documents of which more than 70% of those publications have been written or co-written by Ifremer since August 2005. As a supporting step towards the Open Access movement, Ifremer, through the La Perouse Library, also developed Avano, an OAI harvester for the Marine and Aquatic Sciences. This harvester collects bibliographical data of electronic resources (documentation, images, datasets, videos, audio files) stored in a group... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Electronic documentation; Avano; Archimer; Post publication; OAI Harvester; Open Archive; Institutional Repository; Open Access; Documentation électronique; Avano; Archimer; Post publication; Moissonneur OAI; Archive Ouverte; Archive institutionnelle; Libre Accès. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2006/acte-2122.pdf |
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Bouilde, Marielle; Merceur, Frederic. |
Ce document a pour objectif de proposer un ensemble de données bibliométriques sur les articles co-publiés en 2013 par des équipes françaises ou étrangères, qui font références à des campagnes effectuées sur un des navires de la flotte côtière ou hauturière de l’Ifremer, de l’ISTPM et du CNEXO. Le nombre de rapports et d’Avis/expertises Ifremer associées aux campagnes est également fournit. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00189/30051/28537.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 18 | |