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Are shallow-water shrimps proxies for hydrothermal-vent shrimps to assess the impact of deep-sea mining? ArchiMer
Mestre, N.c.; Auguste, M.; De Sá, L.c.; Fonseca, T.g.; Cardoso, C.; Brown, A.; Barthelemy, D.; Charlemagne, N.; Hauton, C.; Machon, J.; Ravaux, J.; Shillito, B.; Thatje, S.; Bebianno, M.j..
Polymetallic seafloor massive sulphide deposits are potential targets for deep-sea mining, but high concentrations of metals (including copper - Cu) may be released during exploitation activities, potentially inducing harmful impact. To determine whether shallow-water shrimp are suitable ecotoxicological proxies for deep-sea hydrothermal vent shrimp the effects of waterborne Cu exposure (3 and 10 days at 0.4 and 4 μM concentrations) in Palaemon elegans, Palaemon serratus, and Palaemon varians were compared with Mirocaris fortunata. Accumulation of Cu and a set of biomarkers were analysed. Results show different responses among congeneric species indicating that it is not appropriate to use shallow-water shrimps as ecotoxicological proxies for deep-water...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep-sea mining; Ecotoxicology; Biomarkers; Mirocaris fortunata; Palaemon.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Research is needed to inform environmental management of hydrothermally inactive and extinct polymetallic sulfide (PMS) deposits ArchiMer
Van Dover, C.l.; Colaço, Ana; Collins, P.c.; Croot, P.; Metaxas, A.; Murton, B.j.; Swaddling, A.; Boschen-rose, R.e.; Carlsson, J.; Cuyvers, L.; Fukushima, T.; Gartman, A.; Kennedy, R.; Kriete, C.; Mestre, N.c.; Molodtsova, T.; Myhrvold, A.; Pelleter, Ewan; Popoola, S.o.; Qian, P.-y.; Sarrazin, Jozee; Sharma, R.; Suh, Y.j.; Sylvan, J.b.; Tao, C.; Tomczak, M.; Vermilye, J..
Polymetallic sulfide (PMS) deposits produced at hydrothermal vents in the deep sea are of potential interest to miners. Hydrothermally active sulfide ecosystems are valued for the extraordinary chemosynthetic communities that they support. Many countries, including Canada, Portugal, and the United States, protect vent ecosystems in their Exclusive Economic Zones. When hydrothermal activity ceases temporarily (dormancy) or permanently (extinction), the habitat and associated ecosystem change dramatically. Until recently, so-called “inactive sulfide” habitats, either dormant or extinct, received little attention from biologists. However, the need for environmental management of deep-sea mining places new imperatives for building scientific understanding of...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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