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Detection of Ehrlichia canis in domestic cats in the central-western region of Brazil 58
Braga,Ísis Assis; Santos,Luana Gabriela Ferreira dos; Ramos,Dirceu Guilherme de Souza; Melo,Andréia Lima Tomé; Mestre,Gustavo Leandro da Cruz; Aguiar,Daniel Moura de.
Ehrlichiosis is a worldwide distributed disease caused by different bacteria of the Ehrlichia genus that are transmitted by arthropod vectors. Its occurrence in dogs is considered endemic in several regions of Brazil. Regarding cats, however, few studies have been done and, consequently, there is not enough data available. In order to detect Ehrlichia spp. in cats from the central-western region of Brazil, blood and serum samples were collected from a regional population of 212 individuals originated from the cities of Cuiabá and Várzea Grande. These animals were tested by the Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) and the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) designed to amplify a 409 bp fragment of the dsb gene. The results obtained show that 88 (41.5%) cats were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ehrlichiosis; Feline; PCR; IFA; Ticks.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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