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Deglacial subarctic Pacific surface water hydrography and nutrient dynamics and links to North Atlantic climate variability and atmospheric CO2 5
Maier, E.; Meheust, M.; Abelmann, A.; Gersonde, R.; Chapligin, B.; Ren, J.; Stein, R.; Meyer, H.; Tiedemann, R..
The glacial-to-Holocene evolution of subarctic Pacific surface water stratification and silicic acid (Si) dynamics is investigated based on new combined diatom oxygen (delta O-18(diat)) and silicon (delta Si-30(diat)) isotope records, along with new biogenic opal, subsurface foraminiferal delta O-18, alkenone-based sea surface temperature, sea ice, diatom, and core logging data from the NE Pacific. Our results suggest that delta O-18(diat) values are primarily influenced by changes in freshwater discharge from the Cordilleran Ice Sheet (CIS), while corresponding delta Si-30(diat) are primarily influenced by changes in Si supply to surface waters. Our data indicate enhanced glacial to mid Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1) NE Pacific surface water stratification,...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Kvalitet og integritet i økologiske æg, kyllinge- og svinekødsprodukter (QEMP) 21
Kongsted, A.G.; Hermansen, J.E.; Hammershøj, M.; Horsted, K.; Roepstorff, A.; Hansen, L.L.; Steenfeldt, S.; Baggesen, D.L.; Andersen, B.H.; Pedersen, H.L.; Karlsson, A.H.; Claudi-Magnussen, C.; Allesen-Holm, B.H.; Mølbak, L.; Jensen, T.K.; Jensen, A.N.; Byrne, D.V.; Stolzenbach, S.; Thamsborg, S.M.; Meyer, H..
Gode muligheder for at påvirke kvalitet og øge diversiteten ved at ’skrue på’ race, fodring og slagtealder Fortsat fokus på kvalitet nødvendig (især samspil mellem frilandsproduktion og kvalitet)!
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Farming Systems; Animal husbandry; Food systems; Pigs; Poultry.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Millennial and sub-millennial scale climatic variations recorded in polar ice cores over the last glacial period 5
Capron, E.; Landais, A.; Chappellaz, J.; Schilt, A.; Buiron, D.; Dahl-jensen, D.; Johnsen, S. J.; Jouzel, J.; Lemieux-dudon, B.; Loulergue, L.; Leuenberger, M.; Masson-delmotte, V.; Meyer, H.; Oerter, H.; Stenni, B..
Since its discovery in Greenland ice cores, the millennial scale climatic variability of the last glacial period has been increasingly documented at all latitudes with studies focusing mainly on Marine Isotopic Stage 3 (MIS 3; 28-60 thousand of years before present, hereafter ka) and characterized by short Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events. Recent and new results obtained on the EPICA and NorthGRIP ice cores now precisely describe the rapid variations of Antarctic and Greenland temperature during MIS 5 (73.5-123 ka), a time period corresponding to relatively high sea level. The results display a succession of abrupt events associated with long Greenland InterStadial phases (GIS) enabling us to highlight a sub-millennial scale climatic variability depicted by...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Spoleorm er en udfordring for økosvin 21
Meyer, H.; Serup, T.; Thamsborg, M..
Økologiske udegrise har flere indvoldsorm end konventionelle grise idendørs. Især spolorm er et problem, men der kan gøres noget ved det, viser forskningsprojektet PAROL. Parasitter, især spolorm, er et problem i den økologiske slagtesvineproduktion, men forskningsprojektet PAROL (Organic RDD) har vist, at det kan lade sig gøre at reducere smitten betydeligt. Projektet har kortlagt smitten parasitterne knudeorm, piskeorm og spoleorm i fem danske økologiske svinebesætninger. Det var primært søerne, som havde knudeorm. Piskeorm var ikke særligt udbredte, mens 64 pct. af slagtesvinene var inficeret med den op til 30 cm lange spoleorm. Hver hunorm lægger op mod 2 millioner æg pr. dag, og et mindre antal æg kan overleve i mindst 13 år i jorden og stadig smitte...
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general.
Ano: 2015 URL:
Registros recuperados: 4
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